Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Mixed day

Yesterday was a rollercoaster day, from the total misery of Handsome Son uncomplainingly using a precious day off waiting for the inspectors, electric and plumbing, to check the water heater only to have it fail inspection. This means another special arrangement to get the plumber scheduled,  let him in, since I don't live there, then another special arrangement to get another inspection, along with arrangements to let him in. 

All this was on a day with severe thunderstorms and floods starting later.  Didn't make it to my knitting group. Always something. I really feel too old for these worries some days. And legally no matter how helpful Handsome Son, I'm still the owner. You can delegate responsibility but you can't delegate authority.  To say I was  distraught is too mild.

The joyful Philadelphia rally was a great help, and the weaving, the program repeatedly breaking down because there were storms there, too. 

Then blogger insisted on separating the process of uploading screen shots. Instead of selecting and uploading all the weaving images at one time, it would only process one at a time. It took about half an hour to do what would have taken a couple of minutes before.  This doesn't seem like a big improvement. Maybe they're in the middle of things.

All in all, I hope today's better. Yesterday's several inches of rain closed roads and brought down trees, but my immediate neighborhood escaped too much damage. There are storms forecast daily till Saturday.  The temperature is blessedly cooler, so there's that. 

Happy day, everyone. You do realize, when I say that, I'm wishing us all a happy day? I'm not reporting that I had one! This has been a moaning post, I just needed to whinge.


  1. These things are sent to try us... so said my Dad but sometimes you just get fed up with being tried and wish your past record would be permitted to speak for your reserves of fortitude and resilience.

    1. Thank you, so true. I've had all the character building I can take for now!

  2. I sometimes feel too old for home ownership and the responsibilities that go with it. It is hard to get someone to do work here. People don’t even answer the phone.

    I hope your weather alerts are ended, Boud. Have a peaceful day!

    1. It's hard to be the sole owner without a backup partner. I can get work done. Paying for it is another story!

  3. You deserve a whinge every now and again. Wishing you a happy day!

  4. we all need to vent now and then. so sorry that the water heater didn't pass inspection. it's fairly new right? I'm glad we don't have to have those yearly inspections. we're having our hottest weather so far the next four days, high 90s and triple digits on Friday.

    1. This is a township requirement for new installation. Expensive required permits. After it passes, they don't check again. The water heater is brand new, installation needed more work.

  5. I hope your rain eases. And yes, every day is not great. I hope today s better.

  6. Ah- a good name for a blog- "Morning Moans." Of course there can also be "Morning Mishaps", "Morning Meanings", and "Morning Mayhem." That would be a good one for the parents of small children.
    All jokes aside, I'm really sorry that the water heater inspection went the way it did. We've had hot water heaters for decades before. What in the world is the reason they need to be regularly inspected and replaced every six years? I suppose there's an answer to this but I don't see it.

    1. It's a safety issue, the condo development being built apartment style. There have been hot water heater disasters in upper units, damaging several others, big insurance problems and displacement. My townhouse HOA doesn't police them, because we all have ground to roof ownership.

  7. Oh dear, this is not like you at all. Hope today/tomorrow is better.

    1. I don't usually give way! It just was a perfect storm in every sense yesterday.

  8. Sometimes it all just gets to us.
    Total understand
    Sending you hugs.

    1. Thank you, thank you. I can always count on you to understand and not tell me to cheer up!! If I could, I would.

  9. You don't deserve to have days like that - but you certainly DO deserve to be able to complain about it. Better days ahead (an expression my mother often used).

    1. I may not have had a good day, but I did have a good grumble!


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