Thursday, August 22, 2024

Finally the birthday thing, and Misfits

Handsome Son asked to do his birthday thing mid afternoon today. Soooo, not lunch then, not pizza.

Instead I baked two desserts 

ANZAC biscuits, near as I can get without golden syrup 

And a chocolate cake baked in loaf shape. Misfits is bringing fruit, so there'll be enough treats. That and some folding green will do it.

Pro tip: the ANZAC dough was more than I needed this time, so I converted some to oatmeal for breakfast. What with the oats, butter, honey etc, it was great. Just added milk and cooked stove top.

Beautiful cool weather again, and the patio's looking good 

Between allergy pills and cool nights with a quilt on the bed, great sleeping is happening.

Misfits arrived, complete and nice looking 

Future plans include chicken, roasted, in salad, sliced, made into broth then soup. Ground turkey for meatballs with pasta. Shells for baking with cheese, strawberries to share with Handsome Son, bar of Chocolonely just because. Likewise nectarines and apples, best desserts.

Happy day everyone, life's short, make sure of dessert.


  1. Was glad to see you got your bread this week! Looks like a good box of deliciousness and nutrition to me.
    Only got up to 84 degrees here today. Feels almost bearable.

    1. Yes, eighties are like being cool it's lovely.

  2. I’ve not made Anzac biscuits for ages.
    Yu have a great variety of food, nice and healthy. Even desserts

    1. I don't eat much, so it all has to count, no room for empty calories.

  3. Happy Birthday to Handsome Son! And I have no idea what Anzac biscuits are, but they do look good.

    1. I usually make them in honor of ANZAC Day. There's a whole history about them.

  4. Happy belated birthday to HS, and Birth Day to you! You two have a good plan for working around the actual date.

    Yummy upcoming meals, and deliciously cool nights, and a blooming patio garden - happy Thursday!

    Chris from Boise

  5. My senior uncle made his ANZAC biscuits with marmalade.

  6. I'd rather have two desserts instead of lunch! It sounds fun. Big smiles.

  7. Happy Birthday Handsome Son!
    The food looks delicious.
    Birthday day for me today as well. :)

  8. You can never go wrong with fruit. And chocolate.

  9. Your cake looks delicious! I love chocolate cake. A very nice way to celebrate HS's birthday. I have a small amount of ice cream everyday after lunch. I adhere to your statement about life being short so I do have dessert!

    1. For the cocoa in that cake, take a bow, e! It went down very well

  10. cooler weather here means highs in the low 90s which is predicted for the foreseeable future and it is so appreciated. maybe September won't be horrible.

  11. Sounds like wonderful treats. Happy Belated Birthday to your kiddooooo!

  12. I'm sure Handsome Son was delighted with his celebration goodies. And a very happy belated Birth Day wish to him, as well as you.

    1. They were well received. Quite a bit went home with him.


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