Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Great ticket, not so great inspection, and other vital things

 Here's a great ticket, checks all my boxes

He's a good man, will support, not compete with, her, it doesn't take anyone out of Congress, and his lieutenant Gov, Peggy Flanagan, who will preside in his campaign absence, is the first native American woman to do so. Many wins.

The inspection, not so much. Electrical failed, something needs torquing (!) and plumbing passed. Two separate inspectors. Plumber said electric was too picky. I know electric always likes to find something.

So, remediation needed, another appointment, then a reinspection, another appointment. Call to plumber, email to building dept. This too shall pass.

I didn't make it to Tuesday knitting, storms in NJ, but Textiles and Tea was on, despite the presenter in Illinois losing power and WiFi, storms, and returning gamely, ending up on her phone! 

She's a former competitive swimmer, used to overcoming! And she's a painter turned weaver who paints her warps and finds a lot of parallels between painting, swimming and weaving. As you'll see

these are watercolor studies for upcoming works

24 foot hand painted warp! She loves large works, being 6'2" herself, they feel right.

This bottom piece, detail shown above,  is 23' across. She cut the wave shapes and is still deciding what to do with the part she cut off.  Look at her energy and color! Her work is dynamic.

And this humble weaver has come away, yet again, with an idea I'd like to try, a small tapestry though. I fancy painting the warp, and have a general notion of the design.  Textiles and Tea never fails.

And while I was writing, this happened

Complete with voiceover.

I hadn't planned on going anywhere, just as well. Happy day everyone, stay safe!


  1. This is a lot of weather! Had our first real tornado warning tonight; everyone put into an interior room. Good grief, there are a lot of us in one place at one time.

  2. Those colors and shapes are stunning! I'm glad you had a happy day.xx

    1. I wish I had. The good part was Textiles and Tea. The rest not so much.

  3. It appears Harris made a great decision with respect to running mate.

    1. The Philadelphia rally was a great uplift after a stressful day. They're a great team. I'm still under flood warnings, inches of rain falling. My neighborhood listed in the flood watch.

    2. Hope you came through the storm without any. Issues, Boud!

    3. Thank you, my immediate neighborhood seems okay, though there are roads closed and trees down, bringing wires with them.

  4. Beautiful swirling colours.
    The weather alert is alarming, but there would be no point if it weren't.

  5. I am looking forward to the day, quite soon actually, when we will be able to refer to President Harris.

  6. Yes, Harris/Walz is a wonderful team! I hope the weather passes you without event. Meagan Smith! If I could afford it, my entire home would be filled with her work.

    1. Isn't she a great artist? Marvelous energy.

  7. Ugh on the inspection but I'm with you on the ticket. I think it will be a good one.

  8. Your condo seems to be very fussy about inspections, and then sometimes the inspectors are fussy too.

    1. This is a combo. HOA requires replacement after six years, township requires inspection. Township prides itself on being tough, sigh.

  9. What a interesting weaver Ms. Smith is. Her designs are electric and yet, sort of soothing at the same time. I see the water influence and I like it.
    Pain in the butt about the inspection. Flash floods don't sound too good either.

    1. I think you'd totally get the water and swimming influence on her work.

  10. The weaver is amazing! I was completely and totally overjoyed when listening to the Philly intro rally. They make a fantastic team.

  11. Oh no - not the dreaded inspection/reinspection/cough up money thing. Sometimes I wonder if there's truly anything wrong or if they just want to make more money.

    1. The cost of the permits is nice revenue for the township. Almost as good as traffic tickets.


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