Monday, August 26, 2024

Balsam, indomitable flower

This morning's walk yielded wet feet, and here's a stray balsam flower 

Deep among the trees, in a really dark,  unpromising environment. It doesn't care! The balsam has seed pods that just explode, hurling seeds for yards. So we find them all over, growing in unlikely places.

Lovely reflections at the pond, not much frog activity today.  

I was finding golf balls way out of bounds, probably the Saturday duffers. I threw a couple back onto the course.  

We're getting cool nights after hot days, much easier to tolerate. 

This week is about medical appointments. Hearing aid fitting, mammo, bonescan. I'll find out if the shots have improved my bone density. It takes a couple of years to register.

Meanwhile simple meals, turkey burger and mashed potato, nectarine dessert, last piece of chocolate cake today. That baking didn't last long, with help from Handsome Son and Gary. 

Still knitting, not much stitching though.

It's cool always to have socks and gloves to knit. No thinking and planning required. I might send gloves to Warm up America, too. They're a pretty fast knit.

Happy day everyone! Good to have something to make.


  1. There's nothing like a nice ripe 'n juicy nectarine!

    1. Definitely. The stone fruit has been so good this year.

  2. Finding pretty little things in unexpected places always pleases.

  3. Replies
    1. It was bright against the shady background. I do like balsam, so daring.

  4. I once knew a guy who made serious money from collecting errant golf balls.

    1. A neighbor's kid used to sell golf balls he'd found. I think he was probably selling them back to the golfers who'd lost them. Golf's an expensive game.

  5. You will be busy this week. I am having physio once a week these days.

    1. It feels busy, everything coming at the same time.

  6. Yay for cooler nights. We are having some here too.

    1. Then when you step out in the morning, cool and lovely.

  7. I had to look up balsam flower, as I was only familiar with balsam fir. It's an impatiens! How neat that it spreads itself widely, without apparently becoming a nuisance.

    Cooler nights make hot days more bearable, especially if one can leave the windows open at night.

    Good luck with all the appointments this week. My fingers are crossed that the hearing aids will help a great deal. Do remember that it may take some time for your brain to get used to the new audio input, and be prepared for the sounds to not exactly match what you used to hear with good ears. Be patient as you adjust to them, and don't hesitate to go back to the audiologist for fine-tuning as needed (I hope fine-tuning is included in the hearing aid cost!).

    Chris from Boise

    1. Thank you for the wise words about the hearing aids. I seem to remember that follow up etc is covered in the cost. I'm looking forward to getting them, which I think is another 30 days, to get them made. Tomorrow is fitting and ordering.

  8. All the best at your appointments, and Warm Up America is a great idea!

  9. Cooler nights are lovely for sleeping.
    We still have cool nights although the day time temps are slowing rising

  10. I just had a nectarine with breakfast. Delicious. Is this balsam a type of impatiens?

    1. Acc to Chris, yes it's an impatiens, which explains why I found it in shade, I think.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. It's interesting that you still get mammograms. My mom's doctor told her she could stop them after about age 80. I have no idea why. But she did stop them.

    1. Depending on the rest of her health, the doctor may have decided not to pursue a small risk. My doctor and Medicare still recommend it for me. Maybe different risk factor.

  13. It's not as hot today but it's humid. I'm really tired of this. That looks like a nice place to walk.

    1. I get worn out by humidity as much as heat. It's great when both drop

  14. I believe, but don't know for certain, that mammograms are stopped here when you turn 70 so I rather suspect I've had my last one. Will know if I get a reminder notice...or not. (Pretty sock, btw).

    1. Here colonoscopies stop at 70, unless there are symptoms. I don't know when I age out of mammos.


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