Saturday, August 17, 2024

Naan, flowers and a visiting bee

I'm running out of bread because I forgot to order it, so I made a batch of naan, using my all purpose dough. I've used this for pizza, pasties, flatbread, you can do all kinds of things with it.

Yogurt, flour, baking soda, salt, makes this dough, which you knead a bit in the bowl to bind it, then rest for half an hour.

Then cut into six pieces with the bench scraper which is the best kitchen tool I ever came across 

If you want round bread, you form the pieces into balls before rolling out,  but I wasn't fussy 

Then heat the cast iron skillet till a drop of water sizzles right off it, swipe just a drop of oil over the surface with a paper towel 

And start cooking. When you see bubbles rising, you turn it over and cook on. You see the output on the plate and the last one still cooking.

Today's lunch was the rest of a tomato, cheddar, miso tofu, egg bake, with a green salad, no dressing, sometimes I just like the greens flavors 

And a naan bread. This can be torn to help catch all the baked flavor, and it's flexible enough for a wrap. So I have five more naan to get me past my bread desert.

What I like here,as much as flavor, is the varied textures. Soft bread, crisp greens, the baked dish, all different and interesting.  Colors too.

During Handsome Partner's last years, he permanently lost taste and smell, sad rare prescription interaction. This meant I cooked with color and texture in mind instead, to keep up his appetite.

He was also paralyzed from C3, the upper spine, down, so he had limited use of his hands and couldn't use more than one table implement at a time. So I also learned to cook food that could be eaten with a fork and fingers. This meal would have fitted the bill. He'd have enjoyed this. I'd have torn the bread into manageable pieces. 

When I made soup, I'd bring it to the table and drop hot croutons into it, so they sizzled, which always triggered appetite. So I guess sound enters in, too.

Today's wild patio area 

See the tiny bee? Near the bottom.

Coleus sharing space with a weed which I like enough to leave alone, daisies coming out 

newcomers, different every day. It's attracting bees, butterflies and moths, as well as the resident praying mantises. Or mantes, maybe.

I really like this kind of untamed looking garden area, much more than formal pots of polite flowers.

Happy day everyone,  life's a banquet!


  1. That is indeed a delicious looking meal. Right now I'm making borscht out of bounty from a friend's garden. She'll get half the soup back as thanks.

  2. I C D B! Your pollinator garden is a wonderful wild space. I like it too.

    Your naan fit the ticket perfectly. And such a thoughtful way to enliven HP's mealtimes back in the day. Creativity!

    And that final meme - YES!

    Chris from Boise

    1. I do like the kitty pushing down the little elephant. Vance is the gift that keeps on giving!

  3. I don’t like to cook, but I think I would truly enjoy creating with you. Have I told you how much I admire you? I look forward to your posts.

    1. What lovely words, thank you. Yes, we could make joyful food together then invite SG to dine! I'm nothing special, just a person playing the hand I was dealt.

  4. You could probably survive better than almost anyone on tight rations. I guess you already sorta do.

  5. Let's hope November 5th is propitious in US. It's Guy Fawkes day, commemorating the failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

    1. Your recent election was on the Fourth of July, US Independence Day! And that worked pretty well.

  6. Why do I have no bench scraper? I need one.
    I make naan to go with my curried coconut/cashew/ sweet potato/butternut/acorn squash soup. So good. I think you would like that one very much.

    1. No bench scraper?? How do you manage? What's your naan recipe? Inquiring minds need to know.

    2. I usually just go to the internet for my naan recipes. I meant I think you'd like the soup recipe.

    3. Yes, I know, but there's crisp and there's soft naan, I just wondered which you like. The soup has coconut and cashew, which I don't like, too sweet. I've often made that soup without them. Maybe you meant coconut milk, I could do that.

  7. I like your wild patio. that's my gardening style too only I call it barely restrained chaos.

  8. My husband makes a dough with yogurt. It comes out perfectly every time. Your naan looks great!

    1. Yogurt is a secret failsafe weapon in baking.

  9. How wonderfully you looked after your Handsome Partner. The naan does look good and easy. I must remember it.

  10. I've always appreciated untamed gardens much more than the tailored versions that require so much work to keep maintained. Now I have a hankering for naan, thank you.

    1. Have a word with resident chef? I don't like gardens that try to be like living rooms. Taint natural!


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