Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hot Wednesday and Misfits box


This was Wednesday. I live in the dark red bit. The good part was that Tuesday and Wednesday, the days I had appointments, I was back home before the worst heat. 

It seems to be a change of season, heat starts in the morning and builds to evening, but mornings aren't too trying. It's not like the heatwave when there was no relief day or night. So there's that.

Hard to believe September is here soon. I have enjoyed August, so many hot but nice days, where I could sit out on the deck in the afternoon, it being in shade then. 

Labor Day is nearly on us, to my great surprise, I thought there was at least another week. I'm planning cold roast chicken with pasta salad and something involving chocolate, when I decide what. I might make potato chips with the remaining potatoes.

Misfits box arrived

Small order this week because I have good supplies already. Confectioners sugar for chocolate icing for future chocolate cake. Plums for plum snacking cake. Can of diced tomatoes free, used points for it. 

I usually choose that or cannellini beans or maybe parsley, when I accumulate enough points. It takes a while, not being a big customer.  

Diced tomatoes are endlessly useful, for baking with cheese and egg, or spaghetti sauce, or side dish. This small can goes quite a way for me

Meanwhile the mammo people sent a message that they need to retest one side, they'll set up another appointment. High anxiety time. 

This has happened before, other side and further testing showed it was in fact okay. So I'm fervently hoping this happens again.  Fingers crossed, please, blogistas. 

Doctor's office called to confirm another mammo with added ultrasound "just to make sure", tactful Nurse Christine.

And they gave me good bone density news: spine normal, hips improved, yay, that's the meds' doing. So there's that.

Channeling Picasso 


  1. Channeling Picasso and the Good Mammo Goddess.

  2. I will cross everything crossable. I hope September will be more moderate in temperature and humidity. I wilt in what we have been experiencing.

    1. Thank you. I always expect September to be cool and sunny. The triumph of hope over experience!

  3. It's good that you're being closely monitored - hope all is well.

    1. Yes, I have good doctors who don't let much get past them.

  4. I have had those callbacks too after mammograms. They are horrible! And there was never anything there so...
    But the waiting is always the hardest part, as Tom Petty so famously said. I surely hope the followup is scheduled quickly.
    Too hot here too but a week from tomorrow the high is supposed to be 81! I sure hope that's true.

    1. Yes, your hearts sinks. The appointment is the Monday after next, so I hope to get through the waiting. I already did a bit of garden clean up, displacement activity

  5. I will keep everything crossed for a good result. It happened to me. They wanted to do all extra testing and asked me to come straight in.
    It was all good in the end. They’re just very good at looking at lots of small irregularities.

    1. I'm glad yours worked out well. I've been through this before and there's always a wait. This time over a week.

  6. Sending best wishes and good vibes for that mammo retesting and ultrasound. May all be well.

  7. We're in an Ohio heat wave. I don't know that any time is cooler, but I can attest to heat of the day thunderstorms at night.
    Love you Misfits box, and your weekly picks.

  8. Replies
    1. Yes, better than glossing over a potential problem.

  9. I wish they could retest straight away as the waiting is always the worst. Even if the news isn't what you want to hear you can deal with it and plan treatment etc. The what ifs are horrible. Having said all that, though, I am sure all will be well.

    1. Yes, I think I can deal with anything if I know what I'm dealing with. I'd just like to know what that is. I went through this once before, different breast, ended with conclusion that whatever they'd found wasn't a problem! After waiting then,too. So I'm hoping this is another false alarm.

  10. You had me at homemade potato chips.

    1. They're very good. The only drawback is how fast they vanish. So much better than anything you buy.

  11. Praying mammo recall comes out clear. As others have said it's the waiting. You just want to get it done.

  12. I've had a callback over a questionable mammo too and I agree it is nerve-wracking. Thoughts are with you and very much hoping for the best.


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