Saturday, October 31, 2020

From lurid to low-key, the bio of a muffin

I had a cooked diced beet doing nothing in the freezer, and, along the lines of the sweet potato cake caper, thought I'd see how a beet banana bread idea would go. In cupcake cases.

Sooo I beat up the beet,

drained off a cup of juice, now in the freezer for soup later, 

and blended the drained beet dice into the mashed banana.

I left out the sugar, but used the same 1.5 cups of flour, using whole-wheat, etc. And added notes as I went, to the recipe, which is starting to look like it was designed by a committee.

Basic recipe with changes galore.

Here's the lurid batter

But here's how it baked

Tamed down considerably. It took about 50 minutes. Made 16 muffins.

And the texture is very good.  These are not cupcakes, as it turns out, but unsweetened muffins. Split toasted and buttered I think they'll do.

Testing them on Handsome Son tomorrow.


  1. Hah - who knew?! The baked muffins look so...tame! And the batter - so wonderfully lurid! Boud, you are an inspiration!!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes, the beets suddenly blended in. But they're edible.

  2. I hope Handsome Son enjoys your efforts. Cheers!

  3. I hope you write a cookbook about your kitchen experiments. They sound delicious! Your cooking has inspired me to think better about the food I prepare. Thank you!

    1. I'm happy you're getting value for your own cooking here, though I'm not so sure about a book!

  4. I never would have thought to use beet that way. You are a clever one.

  5. Well - the best I can say is the batter is pretty and the muffins look nice but I'm a no for banana anything.

    1. There's no taste of banana at all. It just provides fiber and some liquid to the recipe. My banana bread doesn't taste of banana either.

  6. That's so cool. It's kind of like plants making colors of dye that don't seem to have anything in common with the plant.

    1. Beet is very fugitive,but I didn't expect it to vanish completely!

  7. Beets in muffins - hmmmm. Sounds intriguing. I like beets and I like muffins, so it should be a good marriage.


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