Sunday, October 4, 2020

Movie recommendation

 The Runaway Bus, retrieved, edited, lost scenes found and inserted, a great find on YouTube. 

Margaret Rutherford, Petula Clark  (not pictured here),  who was an actor long before she broke out as a pop singer, Frankie Howerd, great comic, complete with tag phrases.

 Fog, airports, bullion theft, mystery, explosions, offstage Grandma, BBC weather reporters... it's very funny, well worth seeing. Even the bit parts are well done.


  1. Thank you for the recommend
    This is "Hocus Pocus" (1993)season. I hope the sequel is as good.

  2. Oh, thank you for the movie recommendation. I think Margaret Rutherford is my favorite Miss Marple. This looks like it might even be more fun than her Miss Marple movies.

  3. Petula Clark was an actress, who knew!! I certainly had never heard that.

    1. She was a kid star on bbc radio, I remember her in a family sitcom, I think The Huggetts.


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