Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I say it's broccoli!

That little girl, served spinach and told to eat her nice veg, who declares "I say it's spinach, and I say the hell with it," is veering close to my lukewarm like of broccoli.

I eat it, as I eat dark chocolate, reluctantly, because it's very good for a person. The sulfur taste of broccoli and the metallic overtones of chocolate are the reasons I'm not a fan.

Anyway I assembled quite a nice lunch, steamed broccoli, dash of lemon, with jasmine brown rice, and a lot of grated sharp cheddar mixed with the broccoli and melting in it. Dash of paprika to dress it up.

Couple more lunches here, too.

So now I'm glowing with smugitude. 


  1. broccoli is one of our staples. I've always liked it, called it little trees when I was a kid. and I prefer dark chocolate.

  2. Kind of like I feel about kale, which I have lots of.

  3. Replies
    1. That's too bad. And I can eat it freely and don't care to do it often. Cosmic irony there.

  4. I'd say you're wearing that smugitude quite well. I'm in the camp of loving broccoli, but prefer it raw.

  5. I like lemon juice and soy sauce on my broccoli. Either that or a ton of cheese sauce.

  6. I don't know - that sounds pretty darn yummy to me.


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