Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Sugar pumpkin and flu season

Yesterday's visit to an allergist, prompted by my primary care doctor, to see if I can safely somehow have a flu shot this year ended in a nope. Too risky after a bad reaction some years ago. But at least I did explore it. And while we were at it she wrote a script for next year's allergy season. A cheering assumption that I'll still be here!  Fine by me. Handsome Son has agreed to get a flu shot to protect me. 

It's worth remembering that if you can get a shot, you're also protecting the community, so there's that.

The little sugar pumpkin has come indoors to rescue it from the squirrels, and I steamed and diced it. I'm wondering now about a pumpkin cake..the seeds have been booked by my neighbor who loves them, except I'll keep a few to plant. 

He has a pumpkin he bought for the seeds, and plans to give me the flesh when he cuts into it. A pumpkin exchange! The pumpkin rind is now back on the ground on the patio, to feed squirrels!  The circle of life in a way.

So please vote, not by mail, use a dropbox or hand your ballot to a poll worker on the day, or vote in person by machine. Too little time to mail considering the sabotage at USPS conducted by the pmg.

And if you can get a flu shot, please do. That's two powerful things we can do right now.


  1. I had my. Flu shot here. My daughter is allergic too so she can’t have it either.

  2. Absolutely! Haven't gotten my flu shot yet but will be very soon.

  3. So sorry you aren't a candidate for the flu shot. We're trying to get one here but no luck as yet. There are shortages of the vaccine apparently and they're using what they have to vaccinate those at most risk first before the rest of us can have them. We're hoping to stop at a clinic tomorrow and fingers crossed might luck out.

    1. I wonder if the demand is higher this year?

    2. It most definitely is, if the news reports are to be believed. We registered online to get it through our drugstore but they were out of it before I got to the second step in the process.

  4. Interestingly both my doctors quoted the "first do no harm" standard. I wondered if there'd been a meeting! But I certainly appreciate the care. And not being seen as a research project. I'm not entirely sure that was true when I was younger.

  5. On a TV show Autumn Watch Create channel(?), they did a pumpkin baked pie, bake cleaned out pumpkin 2 hours, add custard inside and bake another hour. Serve like pie. Looked delicious.

    1. That sounds pretty special. Pumpkin pie for people who don't want/can't eat crust.


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