Thursday, October 8, 2020

Of bears and spuds

Another bear got wind of the teaparty and table crashed. He was nameless until a friend said he's Claude, the French ours en peluche. Because of the jaunty hat. He was also quick to swipe a teacup when Fred Bear was busy talking to Ursula.

Speaking of crashing, look at this

After waiting weeks for any sign of life from the potatoes I planted, I gave up on them. Didn't even dig them out before reusing the pot for a newly planted dieffenbachia. A couple of weeks in the house and it looks as if I'll get potatoes after all. It might be tricky harvesting them, but we'll see.

Light not good for picture quality, so, just the gist.


  1. Homegrown potatoes are the best! Good Luck.

  2. That potato obviously wants to LIVE!
    How does one wrangle an invitation to that bears' tea party?

    1. If Claude's any example, you just put your hat on and drop in. It might be bring your own cup. BYOC.

  3. I planted potatoes once. it was so much fun digging them all up.

    1. They're lovely. And they're very good for breaking up clay soil, uf that's an issue. Here, om an ancient alluvial plain, not so much.

  4. Too bad you can't put it in the ground - not sure how well it will do in a smallish pot. Maybe smallish potatoes! We planted them once in an old tire. Did very well and very easy to harvest.

    1. This is the container I've used for several years. I get a couple of pounds of new potatoes. It's the first time for a shared pot though!

    2. This is the container I've used for several years. I get a couple of pounds of new potatoes. It's the first time for a shared pot though!

  5. So I assume you're growing the potatoes inside? That's interesting. I will not be mentioning that to DH else he'll have pots all over the house!

    1. This is a first, happened by accident. We'll see how it goes. I doubt if there's enough light available.


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