Friday, October 2, 2020

To provide sleep after the news today

Everyone is so stressed and helpless, after yet another drama-packed day.

 At least I can suggest a favorite stress-buster hot drink before bed.

Golden milk: hot milk, turmeric, nutmeg, black pepper, spoonful of molasses. 

Better dreams!


  1. Pass on the milk drink - chamomile, valerian, lavender, and lemon balm make a wonder nighttime tea.

    1. Well, I certainly have enough lemon balm, and the other items too. Thank you. Noted.

  2. My dad was a firm believer in hot milk and if he had a cold he would drink it, liberally laced with black pepper, before bed. Swore it would break a cold. I'm lactose intolerant and drinking milk before bed would not be so good so I haven't tried it.

    1. The addition of black pepper to golden milk was the suggestion of an Indian friend. The nutmeg was from a different source. They go together well.


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