Monday, October 5, 2020

Dentist, thriftie, flowers writing their own epitaph

High anxiety today, routine check-up at the dentist, great precautions, temp taken, questionnaire to fill out, shoved instantly into exam room, no loitering in the waiting area. Hygienist equipped to do surgery, masked, face shielded, gowned, all to clean my teeth. Dentist arrives in N95 mask. While the cleaning was happening, two alerts sounded on my phone, across the room, too bad.

So no work needed, no deterioration , just keep doing what you've been doing. Empty your wallet, dear, and you can be on your way.

Since I had already ventured across two towns to the dentist, I wasn't far from the thriftie, so I seized the day, found a shortcut to there, and unloaded the Fit of the stuff that's been rattling about behind me for weeks. Nobody was watching, so the hatch opened easily, first time. This never happens when there's an audience. It's a law of nature.

Home again, feeling that I'd acquitted myself well under fire, even simple errands are like this nowadays, and found the phone alerts were about a power outage, one from the power company telling me about it, one from a neighbor asking me about it. Nobody seems to ask the power company. They ask me!  And it was already restored anyway, just had to reset various flashing clocks.

Gardening convo with another neighbor restored my balance, and I noted the Montauk daisies now coming out

 near the Autumn Joy sedum.

 Notice how the ground cover fills in so you don't get that collapsed effect sedum has when it flops out from the center. I can't claim to have completely planned this, more like hoped for it.

Even that daisy head I knocked off is opening in the house, intrepid feller.

Down the street two roses, all  about seizing the day, and time flying.And on that elegiac note, good night!

 After you see a more cheerful sight, a pan of fresh baked cornbread

Life's a banquet, let's enjoy cornbread before our petals fall off.


  1. Many, many cheerful sights including the cornbread! I have a teeth cleaning overdue. They keep calling me to remind me. Not quite ready yet.

    1. I can't blame you. I wanted to get it done before the flu season, since I can't get flu shots. Very glad it's done. In fact, dental offices are always meticulous with equipment, masks, gloves, it's not new. One of the safer appointments to keep. When you're ready.

  2. "Life's a banquet, let's enjoy cornbread before our petals fall off." My new motto! Thank you, Boud, you wordsmith!

    Chris from Boise

  3. I got my teeth cleaned awhile back and like you, am so glad it's over.
    I love your daisy in the glass.

    1. That bud was so tight shut I doubted if it would open. Just shows, always give things a chance. She's lovely.

  4. Glad you cleaning went well. You are brave to go out and have that done. Thrift stores here require an appointment to drop off stuff. The transfer station, thankfully is open.

    1. The thriftie I go to has the receiving across the parking lot from the main building, a shed with an outdoor area partly fenced. It's easy to avoid contact. I'm not planning on going into the store for the foreseeable future. Just as well, it doesn't help with downsizing.

  5. first, before i forget, i keep having trouble clicking through to you blog. i can click on "boud" but when i do, it does not show any of your blogs. this keeps happening, it's as if your blog is private!! today, no problem!!

    on to the good stuff, the flowers are so pretty, i really like sedum, but don't have any. i have been to the dentist a lot lately and have not been thrilled, for all of the obvious reasons. i had 2 teeth pulled, there was no hope and the pain was unbearable. i had to come back to have my teeth cleaned, i would rather have pins stuck in my eyes and now i have a cavity. i go back tomorrow. at my dentist, i have to wait in the car and they call you on your phone!!!

    enjoy that cornbread, i am a big fan!!!

    1. I'm not sure what the problem is with accessing the blogs. It might relate to the new blogger and the changes they're continually making. I'm glad you got in today. You could always follow via Google on this blog or by email, also on here. Top right of the column. Then you'll get the posts automatically.

      My dentist has chairs in the hallway, you knock to announce yourself. All very formal.

  6. I had my teeth cleaned a couple of months ago. same deal, temp, questionnaire, hustle you into the room, decked out for surgery.

    pretty daisy, pretty rose, pretty cornbread.

    1. I hope we're encouraging people to do dental care. A lot of our health depends on good dental health. Including resistance to infection.

  7. My recent dental experience was fine in terms of check-up but the level of masking and the rest was extreme. Such a high risk business for sure.

    The cornbread looks delicious.

  8. I can smell that cornbread! Glad you got your teeth cleaned and checked. It feels like you set out to do battle these days, every time you have to go somewhere. I'm taking my dog to the vet next week. I have to wait in the car. Biggest worry? Needing a bathroom!

  9. I chuckled my way through your post and sighed at that beautiful cornbread. I'm glad it was a good day. Inger (above) hits the nail on the head for me. My biggest concern when leaving home these days is that there will be a bathroom available anywhere I may find myself. And, well... hoping that others wash their hands better than they may have before.

  10. Dreading the thought of having to go to the dentist for any reason. I have a cracked tooth that I'm babying in hopes it will stay put until all this is over. We did a thrift store run yesterday and got rid of three big bags of 'stuff'. When we did the seasonal wardrobe changeover (sounds posh, doesn't it!) we discovered we simply had too many clothes so what didn't fit and couldn't be easily altered has been donated back to the thriftie where it mostly came from in the first place.

    1. A lot of my clothes that I didn't make came from the thriftie, and end up back there.


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