Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Plumbing exchange, plant swap and cream of mushroom soup

Today I was doing a bit of work at the condo I rent, and noticed the toilet tank lid was broken. Probably dropped. Since there's a space saving hinged counter top over it, concealing it, this isn't evident. And having just had repairs done, I am not in the market for buying a whole new unit.

Back home I noticed a toilet being unloaded by neighbors at the house across the street. Hm. Replacement. So I asked and the neighbor said she's replacing three of them, and fine, she'd save a lid for me when she gets the installation done. Neat solution. 

Back across the street fell into conversation with another neighbor, who's in search of houseplants. Next door neighbor and I both happy to supply.

He showed her a huge angel wing begonia I'd given him as a little plant I'd started from mine. She looked interested, and I cut her a nice sturdy top of my parent plant with instructions to start it in water then plant in soil.

Tomorrow she's getting some I've been growing in water and already have roots, another begonia variety. Here

What you might call a happy concatenation of a day. Tenant happy, neighbors happy, me overjoyed to find a willing taker of surplus plants.

Tonight was also about cream of mushroom soup and bread. 

Flavored with parsley and thyme

The soup is good, the bread still in the oven.

A  thing happened. I was watching Arne and Carlos while I measured for the bread, in which I'm trying a new posh whole-wheat flour, and accidentally doubled the quantity of vital wheat gluten. Picked up the wrong measuring cup. So we'll see. It's not good experimental practice to change two elements at once. But I'm not on TV, so it can be hushed up!


  1. Oh, I do love begonias! I have several rooting at the moment.
    And I like mushroom soup, too.
    Perfect toilet lid solution!

  2. My mother used to have an angel-wing begonia which I'm now reminded of. Must see if I can locate one and see how fast I can kill it.

    1. Do you think you pay too much attention to plants? Most plant demise is caused by drowning.

    2. I don't know which I do - drown or drought. I used to be able to grow African Violets quite prolifically but no longer. I suspect it's the east-facing windows we have which could be the cause of the demise of a lot of my plants.

  3. I am always happy to find someone to share plants with. I find it hard to just toss a prospective beautiful plant in the trash.

    1. Yes, that's exactly how I feel. Always starting plants with a view to giving. More than once a visiting friend has said oh I wish I had a lovely spider plant/begonia/you name it, like that. And they've gone home a bit dazed, the proud possessor of just such a plant started in a pot. I even get progress reports sometimes.


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