Monday, October 12, 2020

Plumbers, again. And lovely Misfits

This morning was not too promising. My tenant reported a leak in his bathroom at the weekend, said he'd got the shutoff to work, was okay waiting for Monday so I could avoid weekend plumbers' rates which are even more stratospheric than weekday ones. 

So I called the plumber early this morning, explained all, I'm an old customer, their dad used to be my plumber, I'm in their info, someone would get back to me. Usually this means in minutes. So I postponed climbing into the shower so as not to miss the call.  Waited four hours.

Called again, asking is there a problem, or what? Lady gets all snippy, I explain again that there's only one toilet, it needs to be fixed, thank you.  So she says oh, wellllll, I'll leave a meeeeessage and tell them it's the second meeeessage....and I thanked her very sweetly.  Five minutes later, Greg's on the phone asking can he come in the next half hour...the good old squeaky wheel works again.

I got there early, and read Pride and Prejudice to keep calm waiting for him. He arrived exactly as promised, after calling to say he was on the way. Did the job in no time. Agreed that leaks on the second floor are no joke. And after emptying my wallet, he departed, and I sprayed alcohol everywhere he'd touched, just in case. I was gloved and masked, because I don't live at the condo, and was being careful.  No pictures, plumbing and repairs not being photogenic outside of diy shows. Then I trailed home, five minutes away, to make a cup of tea.

However, soon after,  the Misfits box finally arrived. Supposed to be Friday, then they said Sunday, then Monday, then Sunday again, then Monday again...I suppose there are many moving parts to this operation and maybe they were waiting for items to arrive in order to ship. I don't know. However, they did not pack till Sunday anyway, this is good, and all arrived this afternoon after I'd got back from the plumbing adventure, looking very very nice. Roots included, to prove it's a real lettuce?

After the box was emptied

Here's the box on arrival. After I'd removed the frozen gel packs and the blanket.

this week I'm making vichyssoise, and my life will be largely about soup and salad, these lettuces being ultra fresh and crisp. And there's a glass of Italian parsley in the fridge, now, too. Great fruit, apples, pears, plums, peaches, an Asian pear, one of my favorites, the farm didn't have them this year.

I'm trying a new whole wheat bread flour, looks promising.  And there's a little pouch of wild salmon, sustainable, for one of the salads.  And chocolate bark for sharing with Handsome Son, the chocolate fancier. Some of these items are extras I added in to the box.

So I guess if I can hang loose a bit on the delivery time, the produce is worth waiting for. I'm used to the military precision of the local farmshare, where you had a specific window, day and time, to come to the barn and pick up, and you got what they put in your basket.  It was lovely, but definitely not laidback.

One thing's the same though.  There's a frenzy of food prep as soon as it arrives.  Because you don't want to miss that lovely freshness by waiting a couple of days to wash and chop and tear and all that.

All in all, expensive and dull morning, exciting and very happy afternoon.  This averages out to an okay day up to now.


  1. I have not forgotten it's Canadian Thanksgiving, been in touch individually. But it occurs to me that there are other Canadian readers in here, and I wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Not much travel and family, but what I hear is people planning to enjoy the day anyway.

  2. The misfits are a thing everywhere now. Great idea!

  3. It seems to be a Murphy's Law that plumbing will spring a leak on a weekend. Good that you were able to 'squeak the wheel' and get someone to come. And wow - that box of produce is a wonderful haul of treasures. I love it when I can buy lettuce at the store with the root still intact because it keeps much longer.

    1. This lettuce will be dispatched pretty quickly! Im doing the vichyssoise even as I type. Soup and salad for dinner.

  4. Your misfit veggie haul looks beautiful. I don't see a misfit among them. I've not heard of this offered here, but that doesn't mean anything. You've given me another thing to look into.

    1. They have a place on their website where you can sign up, if they don't currently service your area, in the waiting list. Then if they do start offering delivery, they'll inform you. Giu you can check in the website whether it's available to you.

  5. Wait- why do you prep the food when you get it? I would wash it and leave it all as is until I needed it. Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Im a one person household, way different consumption rate than yours. If I left things like mushrooms and celery till ready, they'd be past it. Prepped and frozen means they're still good, also ready to use. Likewise fruit which will go into crumbles, jam, etc.
      It's about household size. You're doing what works for you. Right now it's salads for me till the lettuce runs out! Any that starts to wilt will become pesto.

  6. Glad you got back home for a nice up of tea.
    Misfits is a fantastic idea. They will be in Vermont soon or are now, not quite clear on their website. It is best to read their FAQs before ordering. Food allergies, as yet, can't be accomodated.

    1. They have a new feature, that you get choices in the box. So perhaps that will enable people to avoid foods they can't tolerate. Eg I will always avoid eggplant. I used to give it away when I had it in the no-choice farm share.

  7. I think about ordering those types of boxes but am concerned it will be more food than one person can eat. You were better than I with the snippy receptionist. I tend to complain to the boss. Snippy is a good way to lose customers.

    1. Greg got it, though. It's a family firm, probably a crotchety old relly. When I emphasized how pleased I was he came promptly he kind of winced behind the mask!
      I found that being locked into a weekly farmshare years ago did result in too much of too few items, which is why I stopped. But I can pause or reset my order schedule if I need to. I might do that as time goes along.

  8. there's a farm here that did/does farm boxes and I ordered one once. the small box was a lot of food for two people, shared some with my sister and daughter and still had a lot of not very exciting stuff. you don't get to choose. I may try it again now that fall gardens are starting. our local little farmer's market is about to start up it fall session. it only runs about 6 weeks I think. I think I mentioned that Misfits doesn't deliver to Texas yet.

    1. With farm shares a lot depends on how varied their crops are. When I first started, the local farm produced about thirty vegetables and fruits, so the basket was wonderful, small amounts of many kinds. Then they cut back on the varieties and went in more for potatoes squash and corn. Way too much of too few, so after two seasons, I dropped it. I shop at their stand, picking exactly what I want.

      But they'll close soon and my misfits will go on.And I get to choose. They're a Philadelphia based company, so I don't know how far they reach out of the northeast.


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