Thursday, October 29, 2020

Alice in wonderland, no, it's the power co. And cheering soup

There has been an ongoing billing thing with my power company for several months, since lockdown. I'm getting used to previously reliable folks being shorthanded, working from home, much harder to keep everything straight.  But this was a puzzle.  I have equal billing, meaning every month the same amount is charged, then once a year there's a balancing month when they either pay or bill me the difference between my usage and the monthly charges.  

And every couple of years my township gets into a contract to cover everyone unless they opt out, with a different fuel source, to get a group rate, much better than the individual householder rate.  This has worked fine, same power company, same repairs, same coverage, excellent outage remedies, etc.  Just their source is different. And more and more it involves solar and wind.  And it's cheaper.

Then this year, I got my annual notice that the monthly charge, based on usage, would be 1., a very manageable amount,   I'm saying 1.  because it's proportional, read on  They charged me that once.  Then after one month, it went to 2. which was double the amount, and stayed that way for three months, oooookay, then this month it went to 3. which is triple the amount.  And it seemed to me to have changed three times, not just one steady billing.  

So I emailed them, and after a week of anxiety, this being a lot of money from my budget, heard back from them this morning, one sentence saying I had cancelled the third party billing which was driving up my charges.  So I got back to this lady saying, but I'm billed differently, what happened to my equal billing.  Whereupon she got back, saying, you cancelled the third party that was causing the increase, you are not being billed differently (?) and from now on your bill will be for 1.  Back to the original May number. 

Translation: oops, we fixed it and we don't plan to admit we might have made a mistake...but we'll see what next month brings. It's not the service, that is excellent, great infrastructure, constant communication when there's an outage, all that is great.  They are by far the better company of the two in the state.  It's just the accounts department at the moment.

Then, it being a rainy old day, and my shoulder a bit tired from the spinning, needs a rest for a day, I made a Great Big Green Soup.  This large bowl of frisee leftovers, leek greens, asparagus, and cabbage all cooked down to a very manageable amount, although at first it looked as though I couldn't stuff it all into the pot.

I used baharat for spice, about which more below

And here's the finished product, and pretty good it is.  I used only about a teaspoonful of the baharat, which is just enough for a lovely warm spicy taste, but not heat.

This is where I learned it.  From Ottolenghi's book Jerusalem.  It's a wonderful book about the culture and history of Jerusalem, both Arab and Jew, and the food as it reflects and passes on its culture.

I also talk airily about berbere as if I'd been making it all my life, learned it a few months ago, and it's from Marcus Samuelsson, Ethiopian/Swedish food writer and cook

This is hot, and very good.  I use only a small amount and it goes a long way.  I think you can buy it ready-mixed, but I like the fresh toasted and ground effect.  Also you can decide how hot or not you want it when you make your own. And just a note on fenugreek: in Indian spices, it's known as methi. Same thing, different name.

And last, here's my kitchen friend, which came into play in the course of making the soup when I slipped and caught my finger on the hot saucepan.  Aloe vera, cure for burns.  It's saved my hands many a time. Just break off a bit, squeeze the gel right onto the burned place, and the pain vanishes, the burn subsides and there's no scar.  My neighbor saw this a few months ago, and said, why are all those bits broken off? that can't be right!  I explained the first aid idea, and how that's why it was there at all. Not a decorative plant, a working partner.

Now I'm going to goof off, reading Dodo by E.F.Benson, which I think is a forerunner of the Lucia series.  Certainly Dodo reads like a rough draft for Lucia, and it's interesting to see the development.


  1. the main soup we have around here is leftover soup. being a working artist we did not throw food away. if there wasn't enough left over to serve a dinner the next night it went into a container in the freezer. when that got full it got made into soup. sometimes it was great, sometimes it was terrible but most times it was good enough. the kids though hated leftover soup nights. kids are grown but we still don't throw food out.

    and yes to aloe vera. have used it since I was a teenager.

    1. Never throw out food, yes. I think it's actually sinful. It's a treasure to enjoy and preserve.

      This morning's burn is now cleared up.

  2. I had an aloe Vera plant and used it for burns. It was great but did not survive the move between provinces. I haven’t found one to replace it. I could have used it yesterday when I touched my palm on the hot rack of the oven.

    1. My downfall is getting distracted putting dishes into the hot oven,and brushing the back of my hand against a higher rack, ow.

  3. The spices sound interesting. A change of soup flavors will be nice.
    Your aloe vera reminds me I need to transplant the raggedy one I bought a few months ago; and I left the potting soil in the car trunk. It is under the piles of grocery bags and windshield screens.

  4. I sure hope that your billing is now truly straightened out. Good for you for following up.
    I have a bunch of huge aloes outside but they are the kind with very prickly edges. Still- good for burns.
    Those spice recipes look so intriguing. Thanks for them.

    1. I hope you'll try them. They're fun to mix and very good in use.

  5. Oh so nice to know all power companies are the same and all equally frustrating to deal with. And the aloe can be a partner and beautiful. Mine has just bloomed!

    1. Mine has never bloomed. Maybe it's because I keep snapping bits off it.


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