Thursday, October 22, 2020

A new monthly adventure, also rehoming

 As of last month, I'm having the house cleaners back, once a month, takes them, moving like whirlwinds, as a family team, a bit under two hours to leave the place looking and smelling great.

I usually go out to let them work, and not feel they have to talk to me or that I'm checking. They're utterly trustworthy and reliable, no worries.

It used to be simple to find an interesting destination, often the library, but now they're open very little, and not encouraging lingering, I have to be more inventive. I've decided that cleaning morning is to be a time for going to new places, out of doors till the weather doesn't permit, and taking along reading material in case i need to shelter in the car.

So today I downloaded Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See on my Kindle, thank you Florence, for the recommendation, no need for WiFi, and set off for the Preserve.

Misty, damp day, quiet, very few birds even, muted Fall colors. There were a few people around, masked usually. So I walked and looked and smelled the earth and had a great visit. Then I read in the car till hometime.

Need to look these up in my fungi book

These little parachutes were everywhere

Standing here, you could hear the flitter of leaves falling into the water

Snakeroot is all gone now, but these, maybe feverfew? still blooming despite light frosts

Then home to mushroom soup and the bread which turned out very well, then to organize the plants I'm rehoming.

 I start plants in the hope of finding someone who would like them, and neighbor Amitha was very happy with them.

Here they are preparing for departure

Left aglaonema, aka Chinese evergreen, with a bit of begonia, right begonia

And the containers one Lenox, one a lovely old Trenton Potteries antique bowl, ready for other work.


  1. I enjoyed the photos, especially the outdoor ones. Great idea to be out of the house when the cleaners are around.

    1. I think it's wise. It tells them I trust them. Which I do. In many years of coming they never failed me except one time when we had 26" if overnight snow and the state closed down. Never an item lost or damaged. They're really valuable to me. I paid them from March through September when we were in lockdown so they could count on at least one client's payment, when they couldn't attend. They've been so loyal to me, it was a chance to show appreciation.

  2. I think that is a fabulous idea to get outside and read while waiting for the cleaning to be done. I had the luxury of a cleaner before I retired. I have since had to learn to do one area a day to keep it all done. So far so good, but I know there will come a day when I will have to help. I remember to go help my mom with the things that she might have to climb for. She can still get down better than me, but I don't won't her climbing. The woods are pretty.

    1. As you get older and need to ration your energy, help becomes more of a need than a want.

  3. that's a lovely area where you are. we had some house cleaners come in a few times but they would come late in the afternoon and still be there around 6 or 7 which we did not like so we gave that up. could the little white flowers be fall asters? that's what they look like to me. I've read Snow Flower and enjoyed it. I've read several of Lisa See's books and enjoyed all of them.

    1. Feverfew is in the aster family, do we may both be right.

  4. I cancelled my attendance at a meeting this evening in order to continue reading Snow Flower.

  5. What a lovely walk at the preserve. Thank you for sharing it with us! And good on'ya for paying the cleaners through the hiatus. The world needs more people like you.

    Chris from Boise

  6. What a beautiful spot to go to when you want to vacate your house. The house gets cleaned, and you come home refreshed, I imagine. Sounds like a pretty perfect day...

  7. I think that having cleaners come in once in awhile is one of the most profoundly kind gifts one can give to oneself. Honestly. And you are helping someone make their living.
    I have read several Lisa See books. They are always good. I'll have to read that one too.

  8. Sounds (and looks!) as though you had a pretty great day. Oddly, I was just reading about Chinese Evergreen and the fact that it's thrives on low light. Another plant on my wish list!

  9. Reading in a quiet car with nature outside sounds relaxing

  10. What a beautiful place to spend a couple of hours.

    1. It is. It was a long time coming. Maybe I'll blog about that at some point.


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