Friday, October 23, 2020

Misfits instant supper

Quick supper practically out of the box. 

Frisee, grape tomatoes, garlic croutons, seasalt,  no need for any dressing. I've seen recipes about frisee saying it's bitter, you can't eat the green parts, and I wonder.

This was not at all bitter, but tangy and very good, green parts and all. I made the croutons by toasting a slice of bread in a skillet, with garlic chopped, in butter and oil. The flavor was strong enough to go well with the frisee. Maybe that's why it didn't taste bitter, come to think of it.

Dessert is an Asian pear, one of my favorite fruits. 

This was basically assembling rather than cooking! 


  1. I love asian pears but they are so pricey here.

    1. I usually get them at the local farm. But this year I didn't see any. So I'm glad of a source. They're priced about the same as apples when they have them locally.

  2. Nice meal - sounds good and pretty to look at - perfect!

  3. Nice salad, the frisee aka curly chicory is a nice change, adds a bit of zest to a salad. Mother use to buy it. I don't remember if you can use the white part for soups or not.

    1. I'm guessing you can, and thank you for the reminder.

  4. Looks very tasty! I can't say that I've eaten frisee, or at least if I have I wasn't aware that's what it was called.


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