Thursday, June 27, 2024

Misfits box and walking

Thursday was 70°f in the early morning, so I seized the day and went walking. Not around trees and grass because of several inches of overnight rain, no doubt good for frogs but wet and slippery to walk on.

So I did the development circuit via sidewalk, meeting several people out cheerfully walking, probably feeling the way I did. I was flagging when I got home, a bit out of condition from being in the house.

Later lovely Haleem delivered the Misfits box, took away the bags and here we are. I'm glad to say Misfits now has a tipping function, happy to do that for great service.

Everything present and in great condition.

Bread, because it's too hot to bake, and I need my toast. The ground turkey will go into several meals, immediately to make a couple of sausage rolls with the last of the pastry. The rest of the turkey is in the freezer for future dining, probably spaghetti sauce with some of the tomatoes. Burgers, too.

I may make a baked thing for supper of some of that cheddar, in chunks, diced tomatoes, an egg broken over, plenty of black pepper, served on toast. It's so easy with a toaster oven, and the kitchen doesn't get hot.  Cilantro with everything, because I can.

The plums will be either baked in a torte or a snacking cake, or eaten fresh, depending on how sweet they are. Or maybe all the above.

Steamed broccoli bits with cheese, or anything, really, poached egg on top. Misfits rescues the broccoli bits, perfectly good food, trimmed off when broccoli stems are banded. Definitely my wavelength.

So these are the current plans, which are subject to all kinds of change, you never know. But I always think it's good to have plans to depart from.

Cool enough to sit out, watch the clouds and doze off.

Happy day, everyone, don't let your plans get in the way of what you want to do.


  1. We had a nice 71 degree day, too. I went out in the atrium and watched plants grow.

  2. It's cool and rainy here, so I plan to bake soda bread tomorrow. But I need to go buy some buttermilk first!

    1. Or you can make it, lemon juice added to milk, let it turn, it's buttermilk. I don't buy buttermilk, as you probably guessed. Not cool enough to bake here though.

  3. Replies
    1. Lovely. Cool enough for a jacket. It will be a while here yet.

  4. It is so good to get out again after a few days inside. We’ve had torrential rain most of this week and we’ve missed outside terribly.

  5. "It's good to have plans to depart from."
    Very good philosophy.

  6. my turn to fix dinner tonight. so far it will feature broccoli with nuts and dates.

  7. I would eat rescued broccoli! Glad the temperatures have moderated and you were able to get some walking in.

    1. It makes such a difference to the spirits when you can walk. Well, you've noticed that on your marathon city walks.

  8. Sandra This & ThatJune 28, 2024 at 12:29 PM

    Misfits is delivered by FedEx here. It was a nice day yesterday and a wet day today. So far I have no plans to depart from!

    1. It's been much better since Imperfect took over delivery, in every way.

  9. It's good to feel well stocked with lots of possibilities.

    1. Yes, there's a definite sense that something's organized, at least.

  10. It's certainly nice to have an influx of new foodie possibilities isn't it. I love the delivered to the door aspect too and perhaps one day we will have to resort to that. Sadly nothing like Misfits here, at least not yet.

    1. Do you have grocery stores that deliver locally? They can be good. I really like the at the door aspect in all weathers

    2. We do have one store that uses some sort of delivery service but it's quite costly. I think the Community Care organization will do your shopping for you and deliver it but I imagine if it's like any of their other services it will cost quite a bit. I'm hoping when the time comes that I can't drive there will be better options available.

  11. Yes, it’s good to have plans to depart from. Words to live by.


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