Monday, June 17, 2024

Heatwave prep, public access weaving

 This week features heat and sun, so some prep happened. I tested the air conditioning which I haven't used yet, check, working fine.

And I finally did one of those jobs I've been thinking about for years. 

I set up a curtain in the passthrough between kitchen and dining area, which is mainly crafty work area. You see the woven squares and the linen shirt in progress.

The house faces west at the front, the kitchen side, and the afternoon glare shines right through into the living area and the eyes of anyone sitting on the sofa. It's only taken a couple of decades to yield to the need to surrender the usefulness of the  uncurtained passthrough, find a rod and put up this linen dyed and stamped fabric.

It's the other piece of linen, replaced in the bathroom cabinet by the Moon napkins.  It will serve its purpose for summer glare, and I think will move on at the end of the year when the sun isn't coming straight in. 

And here's a project, and a couple of people I'm trying to interest HGA in covering on Textiles and Tea at some point. It's a Chicago based open weaving place, like Praxis in Cleveland, where weavers can use looms and tech not usually available to them. 

And, if you go to an author's book reading, check first

Happy day, everyone, read the fine print. Me, I'm ordering my hearing aids today. Going for it.

Photo AC


  1. Hahahahahahaha, "don't they usually read out loud?"

  2. Yay, making the decision and now getting new ears! That article made me pause when, at the end, it talks of digital weaving. What does that mean?

    1. Probably computer assisted Jacquard, rather than card driven. And other computer assisted design methods.

  3. I do feel for y'all with this heat wave. I know what it's like.

    1. Thank you for not playing the Texas summer card!

  4. You'll soon be asking people to speak more quietly. Seriously, though, I imagine it could be very tiring until you're used to your aids.

    1. We'll see. It will be less stressful than straining all the time, I hope.

  5. You will be hunkered down with ac for awhile. Funny cartoon, never thought of that!

  6. One of those little jobs that we keep putting off. We've just closed up the house and started up the AC. It is going to be a hot week, for sure.

    1. This seems to be a very widespread heat issue.

  7. The curtain is a great idea! We also get sun coming through our back door and right into Dave's eyes in the evening, but so far he's chosen to just live with it. Maybe you'll inspire us to make a change. :)

    1. I just finally got fed up yesterday. After years of sitting the other way!

  8. I’ve only been to one author’s book reading. It was exceptional.

    Good luck with the hearing aids!

    1. I guess he read aloud? ;) I'm looking forward to the aids. About a month to wait.

  9. Sometimes open spaces and open windows are not as wonderful as I wish they would be. Some years ago, I gave up on beautiful morning sunshine and put curtains in front of the kitchen window where we eat breakfast. So I see what you are about there. Looks like a nice piece of fabric, too.
    best, mae at

    1. Yes, the light isn't always where you'd like it.

  10. The author’s reading is wonderful! I hope you stay cool (well, you are always cool).

    1. Isn't it great? Just shows never assume. But then there are reading clubs where people literally sit around reading silently in company!

  11. It's a tough decision to arrive at that there is too much natural light; I can see why it might have taken awhile.

  12. Yep. Looks like you're all ready for summer living.

  13. This morning it was hot enough for me not to open the curtains in the bedroom and I closed the ones in the living room to try to keep the heat out.


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