Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Art leaving home, other friends, too.

After what was starting to look like a penpal correspondence with one freecycler, who asked many questions but didn't commit, another one came in, selected four artworks, count them, and wants to pick up Thursday morning. That's better.

So once I had disentangled his choices, selected from two different posts, I set them aside for him, and we'll see. He definitely picked well, if I understood his choices correctly.

This morning I set up the official hearing-aid fitting ready to get the aids built for me. Mid July. Good thing I'm not in a mad rush. After the fitting and order, another month to get them.  So by fall I hope to hear leaves falling!

This afternoon the ficus leaves for her new home, speaking of leaves.

Library crew in action 

Off to her new home. I told her to be a good tree, and make me proud. Gary has been loudly campaigning against this move for months, but he was out when the Big Lift happened. Came home about five minutes later! Phew.

It's all go, this simplifying life. I'm tired out making things easier. I did get a sort of picture of a pleated pocket, hard to see with a printed fabric. But for people wondering, this is more or less the idea.

Once it's in action, I may add another pleat. If it flops with stuff in the pocket. As you see, just a simple unpressed mini pleat. It hangs pretty well now, in a nice shape. Easy, really.

Happy day, everyone, keep cool if you're in the heat dome. Currently my screen reads "feels like 99°f". Probably better if I don't know that.

Ready with my suntea



  1. Making life simpler is quite hard work, as I am discovering. Stuffs! I don't need so many stuffs. I am sure the ficus will be happy in its new home.

    1. The ficus is in good hands. And it's work, this simplifying!

  2. It's been that warm (hot!) here for two days, and for the rest of the week. We've had afternoon thunderstorms both days, with damaging winds. Nothing good about this weather.
    The pocket is cute and the fiscus is happily gone.

    1. We have a week plus of this. I'm ready with my sun tea.

  3. You made me smile saying simplifying can be hard work, it is true. At my house on the coast it is about 80 with a good breeze going on. The heat dome sounds rough, especially where it is humid.

    1. That temperature sounds very nice right now.

  4. I so admire you being able to winnow. It takes me ages to get in the mood to do that. But once I do it’s all done very quickly and I never think of the things I gave away, or just threw away another thought
    Stay cool and hydrated.

    1. I'm usually in winnowing mood. Like you, I rarely feel concerned about what's gone, except I'm glad my art is being enjoyed.

  5. The pocket pleat is quite on trend.
    The ficus looks splendid and will enjoy its new home, I'm sure - and you'll have more room!

    1. That corner is now so airy! I like seeing plants go to good homes. It's easy to rehome them. Everyone likes a free healthy plant ready to take.

  6. My first thought was “Who’s Art and where is he going?” It’s good I don’t live nearby. I love your art, but we have no more walls. Feels like 99 sounds like hell. Sun tea helps!

    1. As art (!) leaves home, it gets easier to breathe. I like to send that energy elsewhere and have a nice peaceful visual time. It takes energy to be surrounded by your own work. I want to use my energy for other fun.

  7. I am making a secret vow never to downsize (aka simplify). My daughter can deal with it later!

    1. I'd rather not leave it to my son. So I'm doing it now. I like living with fewer things, so it's not entirely selfless of me.

  8. You must be getting in-ear molds bc the over-the-ear kind fit anyone. I have had in-ear until the last pair.

    1. I'm getting over the ear type. But they have to be calibrated for my specific loss. Also I need a special in-ear tip because of the unusual shape and size of the canal. Hardly any over the ear tips fit me. I'm hopeful of big gains.

  9. So glad to hear that your art is finding new, hopefully appreciative, homes. You'll be able to visit your fiscus tree so it won't feel so lonely at the library.
    And...question about your sun tea - do you drink it hot or iced? We've discovered a great way to make iced tea - cold brew - so no sun or hot water required.

  10. I drink it cold. I never use ice, can't handle it. And making it in the sun is a kind of ritual, compensation for having hot summer sun! It's really not about the tea. It's also the only time I use teabags if I have any. It works with loose tea too.
    I like the idea of the ficus in good hands at the library. Her retirement home. Assisted living!

    1. You might enjoy cold-brewed tea - ice isn't necessary.

  11. the couple of years previous to my sister's death she got rid of a lot of her potted plants which I did not understand but, yeah, now I do. I've also reduced the number of things I have to bring in and protect over the winter.

    1. Yes, beloved as they are, plants are work. I have fewer now and they're enough. But I keep propagating them..

  12. Poor Gary! It's a blessing he was gone at the time. Winnowing is hard work. We don't realize the accumulation until we start going through it. I would think finding a home for the artwork would be simple, as I said, I would have snatched it all up!

    1. Art is funny that way. It attracts people who want to talk about art! Not necessarily practical folks who arrange to take it.
      Gary doesn't know yet.. I'll get the Kleenex ready.

  13. simplifying conscientiously is work! We just take loads to Habitat for Humanity- all in one box! I hope the ficus does well. They are like pets! We have too many of everything and too much of everything. I think that after christmas I will purge- (again) You are my inspiration, I just need some of your energy, please.

    1. I find that emptying space tends to supply more energy. I feel blocked when I'm surrounded by even nice stuff.
      The ficus is over fifty. I feel as if a middle aged child finally moved out.

  14. Nice that the artwork found a good home and hope it does get picked up and the same goes for the ficus. We are plantless by choice.

    1. When you get around as much as you do, you need to simplify your home life.

  15. As usual, you are doing all the good things. And as Linda Sue said, you are an inspiration.

    1. Well, I don't know about inspiring. I'm just doing the next thing then the next thing..

  16. My goodness, that tree is enormous! The sun tea looks good and I love the fabric. you stay cool too, and thanks for coming by!

    1. The ficus is over eight feet. Time for a taller ceiling!


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