Sunday, June 2, 2024

Quiet days

 After the various excitements of the last few days, I'm starting a quiet week. 

Breakfast, toasted sweet potato bread and fresh blueberries 

Bit of quiet weaving, different yarn, calming and undemanding 

I finished my hoopla e-book just as the software went away. My libraries promise that they'll apply the saved money to acquiring books for Libby (Overdrive). Good. That way I can borrow them on my Kindle, easier on the eyes.

Sunshine again today, maybe a walk, always the chair yoga, now a morning fixture. Maybe bake bread. 

Today the livin is easy! So grateful.

Happy day, everyone, wishing you an easy day.



  1. Have a wonderful Sunday, Boud!

  2. WE have a lovely day here! Most unusual. Enjoy your Sunday.

  3. That breakfast looks delicious. Chair yoga is sounding good to me.

    1. The undemanding program I follow is great. I like warrior poses one and two, make me feel quite accomplished.

  4. Enjoy your quiet day! I'm going to try my hand at baking soda bread later today.

    1. Soda bread. I haven't made it in a while. Noted.

  5. I downloaded the Libby app but having trouble getting it started. let's me get so far and then the buttons don't work. I have to get assistance from the librarians here. in the meantime I checked out two books.

    1. I think you'll like it once you get it working for you.

  6. Our library uses hoopla too so I wonder if it will be on the chopping block here as well. I've only used it a couple times so it won't make a huge difference in my life. I am, however, toying with the thought of getting RC an e-reader but I rather wonder if he would use it enough to warrant the price. I've tried to read magazines on my computer but they don't seem to want to embiggen the print large enough to be able to read comfortably. Will continue to ponder!

    1. Hoopla was never very well done, also expensive. I wonder if an e reader will answer the magazine question, too? It's easier on your eyes than a constantly refreshing screen.

  7. My standard breakfast is granola with either raisins or blueberries, preferrably the latter. When we go out, which isn't often, I pretty well whole hog.

  8. It's a wonderful time of year for the livin to be easy.....That sweet potato bread and blueberries is a perfect breakfast. I like the colorful weaving.

    1. I think you'd have enjoyed that breakfast with me. Pity you don't live closer. My neighbors often get samples.

  9. Libby has not ever given me any problems. It's good and necessary to have quiet days. Enjoy your day.

  10. The problem with Libby is that I feel like I've already read everything on it that I want to. That can't possibly be true. I know that.

    1. It depends on how your library administers it. Different libraries, different choices. Just like the physical collection.

  11. That sweet potato bread looks yummy! I hadn't heard of "Libby," but I wondered if it's the same as "Sora," which we use in our library. So I Googled. Turns out they're both owned by Overdrive. Libby is for public libraries and Sora is for schools. What did we ever do without Google?

    1. I figured they were related. Very useful, too.

  12. White Rabbit! I forgot until today. I always think of you the first of the month
    Have a delightful June!

  13. I use Overdrive every day, and don't know where I'd be without it for audiobooks. Maybe cleaning my kitchen while listening to podcasts out of sheer desperation? No, scratch that. Won't happen.
    I do miss an Overdrive feature that disappeared when it became Libby - specifically the ability to download audiobooks on my laptop so I could listen to them without being online. Now that download option exists only on a cellphone. Maybe a tablet too, I don't know. But definitely not on a laptop.

    1. I think the download still works on my tablet, great for when WiFi breaks down, which it does. I do have a few favorite podcasts for reference when I'm out of books. But it's such a joy to have access to books while I'm doing other things.

  14. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten sweet potato bread. It looks good!

    1. I just used a banana bread recipe and subbed cooked sweet potato for baba as. I added a teaspoon of water because it's less liquid than banana.

  15. Quiet weeks are perfect. Enjoy


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