Saturday, June 29, 2024

Pets and other mixed blessings

 Here's the current reading 

He also wonders to what extent pets really are good for our health, an interesting and provocative question.

My own experience of fifty years of sharing my home with multiple animals, all rescues one way or another, is that I loved them a great deal. I wondered how I'd manage after Duncan, my last cat, died in old age. 

Then I found that I experienced great relief from the incessant worry about aging and frail pets. The financial burden was very real. 

Most of all, I found my own company was enough, surprisingly. When single people with pets say they live alone, they don't. You're alone when you have no animals nor people. 

I'm surprised to realize that worry, as the only human in the house, without a partner to share the responsibility and cost, had overtaken pleasure in the company of my aging frail pets. Live and learn.  

So that's where I am.  We do have a confused and confusing relationship with animals, and I don't claim all the wisdom, just observation of my own experience.  

The age of the human is a factor. After eighty, things are different, at least for me. Back in my seventies, no problem, but later, not so much.  Right now I'm happy to have a puppy next door, kitties across the street. 

The owners of same were over yesterday to admire my flower garden and I'm going to be given another clump of daisies from a prolific bed of them across the street. 

More like these, which I have out front. I'll put them outside the back fence to proliferate at will.

So that's me. Still cool enough to walk today. My hip appreciates that, much less owie when I get out walking.

On the home front, more demands, sigh. I still have to replace the water heater at the condo to satisfy HOA needs. And now I'm getting reminders that I have to get the chimney and dryer vents inspected and cleaned at the townhouse I live in.  Also proof of insurance, which I did right away, that was easy.

These are all safety issues, but arghgh, another expensive summer, what with hearing aids. Good thing my idea of vacation is sitting reading on the deck.  I haven't used the fireplace in years, but getting it sealed is more expensive than getting it inspected when they notice it's due.

Last summer it was fridges, two, one for each property, oh well.  Summertime, and the livin's expensive, tra-la.

Update on the ficus: she's been repotted in a much bigger, terracotta, pot, pruned a bit and is in excellent hands. I don't have the strength to do what her new custodians have done for her, so it's all good. And she's now in a place with soaring ceilings and overhead light, so she'll probably get taller. I feel rewarded. 

Next time I'm there I'll get a picture if they'll let me. Photos have been banned thanks to the antics of right wing book banners trying to doxx library staff. But they might let me do a sneaky snap. 

Happy day, everyone, life's a banquet. Off to walk now and stitch while listening to Herzog, later.

And a request: bloggers who routinely get my comments. In the last few days almost all are vanishing, probably into spam. I often ask about this, and some people are very obliging in checking their spam and rescuing comments. Please check! Otherwise it's not a functioning dialog. Anyway, just sayin'.


  1. I like having a cat around, but I don't know about the future. I will likely be 80 when she passes on, assuming we both make it that far.

    There are house expenses for sure, even the smaller ones, like painting a few windows or shutters, add up.

    I always see spam even if others don't. I do remember to check every few days and publish them for all to see. Sometimes, something that wasn't spam two weeks ago, suddenly gets flagged. That is strange.

    1. Yes, older age makes you think twice about pets. Particularly cats when you reach the age of concern about falling. They can trip you.
      Thanks for checking spam!

  2. I'm not yet 70 but really don't need the extra responsibility of animals now and certainly not the expense.
    Although I do miss having a cat around, this bungalow just isn't the right place for one plus I've enough cat hassles with next door neighbours cat digging in my veg garden

    1. Yes, you have enough annoyance without importing more!

  3. I understand what you are saying. I love dogs. Have had a lot of them. When my last basset died, I knew that was it. Expensive is an understatement. The basset that had dies\d the year before the last one had glaucoma and congestive heart failure. I couldn't handle the death of another dog. Cats decided they needed to comfort me, so I am now overloaded with cats!

    1. Cats tend to decide to move in, and it's hard to override that.

  4. I miss HRH the Cat terribly, but I do NOT miss cleaning the litter box, schlepping heavy bags of cat litter home from the store, hairballs, cat puke, "accidents" outside the litter box, having to clean up same, taking her to the vet, having to find a pet sitter while I go on holiday, etc. If only a kitty could just come to visit for an hour or so and then go home again with no muss, no fuss!

  5. Expenditure never seems to go down.

    1. There's only one instance in my life when it has. My townhouse HOA raised the monthly dues to cover major renovations, then, once the debt was serviced, honorably reduced them again! It was thrilling.

  6. I hear you on the pets! To everything there is a season. It's nice that you have Billy-the-pup just a few steps away and NOT your responsibility. That looks like an interesting book. I appreciate the books that make me take a second look at some of my assumptions (as in, which side of the bed the open end of the pillowcase goes...).

    Glad you were able to get out for a walk this morning. Good for body, mind and soul.

    Sympathies on the expenses piling up. Fixed incomes don't have a lot of give to them. Thank goodness you are a frugal budgeter.

    Ms. Ficus is in good hands> An excellent hand-off to her next home.

    Chris from Boise

  7. I'm really happy about the ficus. She's on velvet in her new home.
    Just as well I'm frugal. It amuses me when people say could you manage on $xx, naming a number three times the income I've lived on for decades!

  8. Every morning I go to my spam folder to see if someone got inadvertently dumped there and this morning, you had. I bailed you out.
    I cannot tell you the relief I felt when our three aged dogs finally left this realm. Oh my god. I was so, so sick of cleaning poop and pee and worrying about my old boxer who was skin and bones and seemingly suffering from dementia. I will never have another dog. Too much responsibility and I am not looking for that. We do love our cats and sometimes I crave having a kitten so much- that energy is delightful. But I'm not getting one. Like you, I am not unhappy with being alone although I think that I do depend a little on my cats when Glen is gone and find their presence a comfort.

    1. You're good at checking spam, thank you. And you get it about the work and stress of old animals. I never minded the work around any pets, but the worry was too much.

  9. A spam checker each morning here too! At least under comments. Then there's the entire spam folder, which I guess I should look at also. I am over 80 and had my last cat who needed a lot of care towards the end about 7 years ago. I do miss the warm body next to mine in bed, sometimes. And talking to a little one with ears to hear and not understand nor talk back...a fun aspect of pets. But no thanks, the care got to be too much, when I need to focus on my own care these days. But I do go out of my way to stop and meet dogs and take their photos...thus making friends that I don't have to take care of!

    1. Yes to friendships with animals you don't have to tend!

  10. This is the first time I have lived without animals - I don't like it much but I will say that when one falls under the weather it is nice to not have to walk the dog...Also nice to not have to bury another beloved pet in the garden...but I do miss them. I do have the raccoons and the squirrel that comes in for a nut and a natter.

    1. I have birds and squirrels, chipmunks and groundhogs!

  11. I agree with Pets being wonderful for mental health in one way. But they do create anxiety when we need to leave them for what ever reason. Worrying about their health and worrying about what would happen to them if we were unable to look after them or pass.
    For this reason I have now closed the door to new pets. Natural attrition will slowly reduce the number of pets and hopefully the anxiety of the what ifs
    Maybe one of the librarians will take a shot of the ficus for you

    1. I'll be there soon, so I can probably do it. Yes, the anxiety around animals can be very overwhelming.

  12. Those are interesting thoughts on pets. We've had one cat and one dog, not at the same time. Hubs has no desire for pets again, I think a cat would be nice. You give me something to consider about their care. I wouldn't have considered the worry aspect when they need special care. Having to have our dog put down was a burden. Hubs is probably right. We don't really need pets at this stage in life.

    1. I like the grand pet concept. Occasionally playing, but they're someone else's.

  13. We just replaced the microwave, washer and dryer. There is always something giving out or requiring repairs.

  14. I had three cats who are now deceased. There is (almost) nothing more heartbreaking than losing beloved pets. I really want another cat (or two) but grim reality.has given me second thoughts. My life has changed drastically since I was sick. I'm not the same person that I once was. I can hardly take care of myself, not to mention a pet.

    1. That's a big consideration -- taking daily care of a pet when you're not well yourself.

  15. No spam in mine today... except for real spam.

    I always think pets are great for one’s health. I adore my cats. However... The two infections I recently had that nearly killed me were very possibly caught from my cats!

    1. I hadn't thought of that. That's a whole new area to worry about. I don't think I ever experienced that kind of transmission.

  16. I am confused. Do you live in two places?

  17. I own two properties, live in one, rent out the other. It gets confusing if you haven't been around here for years.

  18. Interesting thoughts on pets. We currently have two dogs, one cat. I love them dearly, but it's hard - and expensive - to get away. I'm not a big fan of all the fur they leave behind either, while I'm at it.


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