Sunday, June 9, 2024

Oops, I did it again, and new exercises

 You know how I've always said I accept speaking engagements far out, because I've always thought I'd be safely dead by then? And  I never am, and I have to go through with it? I just did it again.

Late July I've agreed to speak online in a pod, as part of an Invictus Games fundraiser, by the Sussex Squad. They're a brilliant group, who support Harry and Meghan's charities with very effective targeted fundraisers. I've been taking part in their Spoutible twice-weekly pod since it started. They can get up to several hundred participants.

So they asked if I'd speak about my own life experience, as far as I feel okay.  This probably came from my recent comments about D-Day, and my point that everyone in a war zone is at war, some, mothers and children, without weapons, and memories of what war does to you if you're in it.

The Invictus  Games, created by Harry for wounded war veterans, are a marvellous way for veterans, women and men,  disabled physically or mentally, to compete at their own level and regain the dignity they lost on being invalided out. Heroes all.  It's a tribute to all veterans of any war, and an acknowledgement of what we owe. So yes, considering my family record, I can do this. 

But, then,  I may be safely dead..;)

Speaking of staying alive, I've been getting creakier as I go, particularly a hip which is a pain in every way. It's been an issue on and off for decades, result of surgery, but lately a bigger nuisance.

I've been doing the chair yoga and started to get a bit bored with knowing exactly what was coming, so I switched to Bob and Brad, great physios, for specific hip exercises, which are helping a lot. 

Their presentation is hokey, but they're excellent physios, and teach the anatomy of pain and its sources.  And they're men, but do treat women and include them firmly in their thinking, yay.  I've had quite a bit of help there.

I know these moves from other exercises such as chi gong, yoga, all that, so it's just a different approach to the same  moves. I'm doing the stretches lying in bed, before I get up and go to sleep. For now they're definitely helping. Anyway, just sayin'.

It's not about living long,  it's about keeping well enough to enjoy it. I don't want to eke out a sad old time!

Meanwhile in between sitting on the patio, admiring my potatoes about to flower 

and my burgeoning, burgeoning, I tell you, flower seeds 

otherwise doing nothing but listen to birds and the wind in the trees, I did more stitching.
Trying on here 

The seams are sticking out because this is the first pass, and I was trying on right side out.

The side seams are French seamed. You first stitch up, wrong sides together, then turn, right sides together,  roll the seam between dampened fingers and thumbs, to bring the stitch line to the surface, then stitch again, to enclose the raw edges. 

I was watching Marion's World while I worked on the second pass, and, lookit, she's working on a linen top, too. Smocking though.

This gave me an idea. My sleeves are wider than I want, as a small person, but why not slip a couple of tiny smock type pleats into the sides of the sleeve hems, as a design feature and a fitting move, to bring them in a bit? So that might happen.

Happy day, everyone, try not to commit too far out! Do as I say, not as I do. Except do stretch.


  1. The Invictus Games are such a worthwhile charity and endeavour. Brava to you for contributing your efforts to fundraising for it! I know your talk will enlighten all who hear it.

  2. I’m a little like you. People would be discussing things in the future and I’m always doesn’t matter. I’ll be dead by then. Maybe I’m jinxing myself and I’ll live a long time
    I’m not one who wants to keep living until I’m a hundred. Not if my current pain levels increase much more. I’d rather have twenty good years than forty painful ones
    Gardens are looking great and your top is coming along very nicely indeed

    1. Yes, it's not a good prospect, living long, unless you can enjoy it.

  3. The Invictus Games are a so important. Remember Harry's great mic drop when he and President Obama were challenging each other's team?

  4. I love the idea of the tucks in the sleeves. Can't wait to see the finished product. Do you do all your sewing by hand or do you have a machine as well?

    1. I'm a handsewer. I never found any joy in using a machine, and gave mine away to the local library.

  5. I so admire you for agreeing to the speaking engagement for such a worthy cause. Maybe the trick is to ALWAYS commit to things way far in the future. Good to know about Bob and Brad. I had written them off because of the “hokey.”

    1. They're very knowledgeable, and I've never understood why they do that silly banter, maybe they're afraid they won't be entertaining. But I don't follow them to be entertained.

  6. Those seeds certainly are burgeoning. And I suspect you will outlive many of us! Well done on the speaking commitment. I would like to hear that.

    1. Anyone can join spoutible and check into a pod, interactive audio. I think there's a way nonmembers can listen in, too.

  7. Yes, Snoopy's right! Getting older isn't easy, but it's better than the alternative! I used to have to do a lot of public speeches when I was still working, but now, I mostly just talk to myself.... Good luck with the podcast and finishing your lovely top!

    1. I thought my speaking days were behind me. Evidently not yet. I hope the top turns out as hoped.

  8. I couldn’t agree more. It’s not about long life but the quality of that life.

    1. Long is fine, as long as it's still being well.

  9. You will be great on the pod! I have a hard time imagining you shying away from anything like that. Look at you with your fist on your hip, wearing the beautiful linen shirt you're making.
    I'm loving the flowerpots.

    1. Yeah, I'm very brave at the time of agreeing.. Then I have to do it! I'm liking how the top is going up to now.

  10. Congratulations on the speaking engagement. The blouse/top is looking fabulous and yes pleat in the sleeve hems might add a finesse to the design. The seeds are doing well - I completely forgot that I had some stashed away and it only occurred to me today that I might have cast them about the place for some colour - maybe you have inspired me to give it a go even if a bit late.

    1. Chuck the seeds in anyway! You never know.

  11. You are in demand, so kudos to you for accepting. I have a hunch that you will not only do it but do it well.

    1. It's a skill I've honed over many years. I'll never avoid the stage fright though.

  12. Replies
    1. Yeah, no end of trouble a person can get into!

  13. Boud, your statement about it's not how long you live, but keeping well enough to enjoy those years is one I agree with and that said I am planning to keep well enough to enjoy those years. There are those younger than myself who seem to be not as well and so I'm thankful to keep going.

    1. Those health issues we can influence are worth attending to. Not much we can do about our DNA.

  14. You do well at everything you set your mind on. I'm glad you are alive to take up this challenge and yes Bob and Brad have helped me as well. As for the tires, yes. Tricky and I'm told actually a two-person job. Sigh...

    1. There's a really hard bit at the end of getting the tire on, where it doesn't want to. Then when you succeed, it's great. I wish you had an assistant.
      Bob has now gone behind the camera, his progressive disorder affected his speech and balance. But there's a new onscreen young guy, the one you see in my picture, who's a good fit.

  15. Love your tunic
    Linen tunics are a favorite, so versatile and easy to wear.
    Congratulations on the speaking gig.

    1. I like linen, so easy to slide the needle through. We'll see how the speaking thing goes!

  16. I do think of you as a force of nature, so you will be doing that podcast. The shirt looks good. I like the sleeves as they are, but I think I'd also like the smocking idea.

    1. The sleeves are really too big unless I do something. We'll see if the pleats work.

  17. I need to check out those Bob and Brad videos. I recognized that exercise -- it's one of my dailies! Now that I am discharged from PT I still need to keep up.

    I would have loved to hear your talk. I don't know much about your background and I think it would be fascinating. I'm glad you support the Invictus Games. I think they are wonderful and admire Harry for his commitment in setting them up.

    1. The event isn't till late July, so there's time yet. I agree about the invictus games and wish they'd been there for my relatives.

      I think there are a few tried and true hip exercises, worth getting back to them. It's harder when you don't have physio appointments to keep you going.

  18. French seams have always been my favorite! And I'll throw another YT channel into the mix here: I like this fellow's approach: clear, simple, no-frills. He usually gives 4 or 5 examples of stretches or exercises that target areas of pain in a slightly different way, and I've had good results with several. Of course with any of these videos (just like it used to be with classes) it's always a matter of filtering out things I can no longer do and looking for the ones I can try. I'm just grateful for so much free at-home access, since going here and there to classes had to stop a good few years ago.

    1. Thanks so much for the channel. I like having a variety, because I get bored unless I can get a change. I bless the ability to access them, though I still have my old Sit and be Fit DVDs! The secret is to keep doing them. I tend to ease up when I start getting good results, not the recommended approach.

  19. Ah, the dreaded 'seemed like a good idea at the time' when facing public speaking. I can't tell you how often I've found myself in those circumstances and wondering why I agreed to it in the first place.

    1. Yes, always thinking it's so far in the future, it won't happen!


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