Friday, June 14, 2024

Hearing journey, still in the garage, Misfits box

Misfits arrived today.   Jeff picked up my freezer block and insulated bag, left a box of great food.

And I'm all set for June fruit, meaning cherries.

They're all about June to me, more than strawberries. Fresh apricots, blackberries. Doesn't get much better than this.

The cherries are perfectly sweet, and the apricots need a day or two.

Since the bread arrived, I was able to make a salmon salad sandwich for lunch, with an apricot. Using my all star mayo, but who's counting.

I need to make a new supply of yogurt, to go with all this fruit.

Then the afternoon was spent improving my health outlook, and torpedoing my bank account.  Nice audiologist, Dr H, said I was  not a candidate for over the counter aids, because they're geared for mild to moderate loss. My loss falls off a cliff in the upper register. 

Oh. So it's a Rx version then. She installed a pair, had to change out the hearing tip, because it turns out that not only are my ear canals tiny, they're L shaped. 

NoShe established that because I'm doing fiberarts, I have the dexterity to insert these tiny things round a corner. Most ear canals are straight into the inner ear parts.

If my Mom were living, I know what she'd say. Whenever I did anything different, which was often, she'd exclaim "You were born elbow first, and you've been awkward ever since!" Awkward meaning not the usual way of doing things. It wouldn't surprise her that I've been hearing round corners all my life.

Anyway the trial pair were geared up to 80% sound, and the difference in hearing was terrific. She then muted them and I was back to hearing fuzz around her words, and tinnitus was back.  That was clever, persuading me that this hearing journey was a really good idea. 

When I get my own aids, she would step up the volume  in stages to get to 100%, apparently to give the brain time to relearn the missing frequencies.

And there's a Bluetooth thing about it, which I'll worry about when I get there. I have it installed on my phone anyway. I think I also need the app for these aids, to function with Bluetooth.

Sooo I came home with a bunch of material, and sticker shock.  But I think I'll go for it. I'm so nosy I don't like to miss anything.

Anyone wanting to comment on this, especially if I got things wrong, lot of information coming at me, please do. There are blogistas with much more knowledge on this than I. 

Happy day, everyone,  summer has definitely icumen in now. Near 90°f.



  1. Happy Hearing!
    Wow! I looked online at prices for hearing aids. They are really high.

    1. Even over the counter aren't cheap, just cheaper.

  2. Hearing aids are becoming as commonplace as eyeglasses.

    1. Certainly more common now, but out of reach for many people who could use them, sadly.

    2. Here the government provides a substantial part of the cost, so it is well within the reach of most.

    3. That doesn't seem to be AC's experience, another Ontario resident.

  3. Exciting news about the hearing. So sad that this isn’t covered by insurance... and that the prices are so exorbitant. I have no wisdom to share. But, I was born awkward, too.

    1. The rx ones come with three years of consultations, adjustments, by the audio doc, so there's that. But still someone's doing very well our of them.

  4. The berries with the seasons…fresh goodness! Enjoy! I hope the heating aids work well for you, Boud!

  5. The strawberry stands are going up here, but they haven't brought out the produce yet. I look forward to strawberries and Wimbledon.

    Hearing Aids are such an expense, but I need them desperately. There is no question about that. BTW I have always had a tendency to do things backward.

    1. According to David, another Ontario resident, the gummint pays for most of the cost. Doesn't seem to be your experience.

  6. All these awkward folk, I see I'm in good company. The aids are really getting more important for me, to stay connected with friends.

  7. Raspberries nearly ready in my Suffolk garden, luckily they don't rely on sunlight and warmth to ripen as we're not seeing either!
    It was such a relief when my BiL got hearing aids and it was possible to have a conversation with out saying everything twice.

    1. Yes, I think it's kind to the people around you. It's stressful to accommodate other people's unaddressed hearing loss.
      I remember entire summers in the 50s where we never took our coats off. Dressed warmly for the beach. That was before hot summers started.

  8. Replies
    1. I promise that when I get hearing aids, I'll use them!

  9. Spending money on dramatically improved hearing is worth it, I think!

    1. And they'll cost what my furnace cost. Or all the floors in the house laminated. Or all my windows replaced. Ow!

  10. Deafness is very isolating, so if you can address it without too much financial pain ( And they'll cost what my furnace cost. Or all the floors in the house laminated. Or all my windows replaced.) - it will be worth it to alleviate the pain of straining to hear and the brain ache that causes.

  11. Congratulations! I'm sure they will in the end be worth the cost.

  12. I don't have any personal experience with hearing aids, but I DO think you'd be doing the right thing to get them -- and get good ones. Why not?

    1. Yes, even cheaper ones are so expensive I may as well get even more expensive ones that come with helpful in-person guidance and adjustment.

  13. if hearing aids get rid of tinnitus maybe I'll look into them. I hear volume OK just have a hard time understanding what they are saying.

    1. My ENT doctor told me that tinnitus was the result of hearing loss, so I suppose it follows that correcting that would help dispel it.

  14. RC could certainly use hearing aids but not at the price they want for them. His main problem is tinnitus and someone told him that aids wouldn't work for that issue. Obviously you're an exception (which is a good thing!).

    1. Maybe he could check that out with an audiologist.

    2. Sadly the budget doesn't stretch to cover the costs here in Canada.

    3. According to blogista David, Ontario resident, the government covers most of it. You and AC, both Ontario residents, haven't found that.

    4. We have to come up with the big bucks up front and then wait for doing our income tax to see any returns and then it's only a small percentage. Out of pocket is too much for us to wrangle.

  15. So glad that you had an enlightening meeting with the audiologist. Having support for three years included in the cost makes it a little easier to swallow. It's great to hear (hah!) that the aids helped your comprehension immediately. It will only get better with time, as your out-of-practice upper register neural pathways will take some time to rebuild themselves. The more you wear them, the more you'll get out of them.

    The audiograph of my left ear looks remarkably like yours (that cliff!)! (My right ear has other issues).

    The Bluetooth part of my aids is wonderful - it pipes both phone calls and audiobooks straight through the hearing aids. Fortunately it was a snap to set up and has required nothing of me since.

    I'm excited for you, Boud. It will be worth it.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Thank you. It's so valuable to get first hand information. I have to order my own next week, then a few weeks to get them, then pay for them, ow, but I'm hopeful now. That in-office experience was good.

  16. I am so thrilled you had a positive experience with the hearing aids. It sounds as if your audiologist is a very wise woman.

    1. I think so. So young, too. Looks like a third grader. I like her a lot.

  17. Yes, to summer cherries being the best, Boud! My husband has a hearing problem the result of his Navy service and listening to jet planes on a flight deck. He has been diagnosed with Tinnitus, a constant ringing in the ears, but was not prescribed any hearing aids.

    1. I think I'd pursue that, since tinnitus is diagnostic of hearing loss.

  18. I have my hearing aids fitted this week. Very exciting.


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