Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Honesty, chipmunks, stitching and stuff. Also kittens.

The temperature was down to the 80s Monday, with a breeze, and I was up early looking at my flowers. 

I surprised a chipmunk, nearly trod on him. Then I noticed a stem of honesty broken off and lying on the deck.

A closer look and I realized it was bitten off, which is what M. Chipmunk had been doing when I interrupted him. He's the reason I don't plant them in the earth. Chipmunks like to reach up and bite them off before the seed pods mature. I put them in pots now, so they they're too high for chipmunks to reach. This stem probably got knocked down by the rain.

Anyway I harvested it, did a Steve and let the seeds drop where they wanted, and brought the stem in to join its friends.

I finally managed a walk, great after being in the house for a few days. This is how my backyard looks, the one with the Japanese maple and lovely June display of day lilies.

I did make that yogurt pastry I mentioned for the pasties, using some of the yogurt batch I started yesterday.

I baked this in the toaster oven, not wishing to heat up the kitchen. One cup AP, half a cup chickpea flour, and a bit over half a cup of yogurt, half tsp baking powder and salt.

This is one of those soft pastries that likes to rest before you roll it out, then it needs to be cool so it holds together.

There was enough for two more pasties, also enough stuffing, carrots, chard and baby bellas. The mushrooms are important for flavor, since I didn't spice this much.  

This is a very filling meal, what with all the veg, the yogurt and the chickpea flour, protein, all that.

I refrigerated the other two pastry circles so I can make fresh pasties, not reheated ones, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Making got in there, too, today, and I did a bit of stitching on the linen shirt.

The neckline needs to be pressed and I think it's done. Then for the sleeves and hem. At this rate the shirt and vest will be finished about the same time. So we'll see if they work together. The vest will work with various tops, and jeans. At least that's the plan.

In case you wondered if we were getting very serious around here, I found a contrast to solemn talk.

Happy day, everyone, happy kitties all round. Kitties for Ukraine!


  1. That pasty looks and sounds delicious. I wish I were your neighbor! The garden looks beautiful. Glad you got out of the 90s for a bit. “I did a Steve.”

  2. Your garden is lovely. The chipmunk has every reason to feel at home there! Little rascal. Yet, when they look at me with their pouches full, my heart melts!

    1. They're so destructive. One of my friends had a fire caused by one, another a flood. Tiny deadly fellers.

  3. We have a chippy that cavorts around our backyard with reckless abandon and glee.

    1. As long as he doesn't get into the house. Around here you can't leave the patio screen door open for a second.

  4. Oh! Those kittens! I bet my Jack looked like them when he was a baby. Thank you for that bit of sweetness. And really- your home is such a sweet place. You have made it so and continue to do so with your homemade goodnesses from pasties to linen shirts.

    1. The back always looks nice when the day lilies get going. And thanks for your encouraging words, always welcome.

  5. Lovely little garden you have! Chipmunks survive here, with a few squirrels in the trees, and I think maybe voles as there are some tunnels under the mulch in the beds around my porch. Sorry about the damage they cause! Those pasties do sound delicious!

    1. Squirrels are less of an issue than in earlier years when they invaded our roofs.

  6. A woman i know fosters kittens until they are old enough and ready for permanent homes so she has kittens all the time. your back patio looks like a lovely place and I'm glad the heat is breaking for you.

    1. I wonder if you ever get used to the cuteness of kittens? Heat and storms returning now, sigh. One wonderful day.

  7. "Did a Steve" -- ha! It's interesting that the chipmunk went for the honesty. The squirrels leave ours alone, unless they dig up the seedlings. (Which does happen sometimes.)

    1. The squirrels dig everything! But only the chipmunks bite off the honesty. It seems to be a favorite with them.

  8. Trust me. NOthing is too high up for a chipmunk on a mission. Good luck. Love the kits!

    1. I've succeeded for several years with using pots for the honesty, so I hope that continues.

  9. We had honesty in the garden but it seems to have disappeared - or perhaps it's hiding.The kittens are so sweet.

    1. Maybe the honesty will return in another place. It runs its own life that way.

  10. Those kittens are adorable! Mercy is hiding from thunder today. Glad you got a walk.

    1. She doesn't like thunder? I think my cats ignored it in the way cats do.

  11. I was very excited when in Canada I saw chipmunks for the the first time. They were gorgeous to watch, although perhaps you don't love them too much.

    1. They're deceptively innocent and pretty. But I've seen the results, so I'm a bit guarded in my admiration.

  12. What round, full tummies those kitties have. Like the result of your pasty.

    1. They're lovely, aren't they? Imagine what they get up to when they wake up..

  13. You have the chipmunks and we have possums. I used to grow roses out the front but they kept eating them so now I only have them in the back yard where the dogs keep them out
    I can’t wait to see the your new outfit

    1. We do have possums, but not near houses usually. Between squirrels and chipmunks, there's enough!
      I have to do more on the shirt. The hot weather's hitting my energy at the moment.

  14. In my experience squirrels are far more destructive than chipmunks. Squirrels love to get into attics and chew wiring. We had to stop feeding the birds because the dropped seed was attracting the squirrels who then discovered that the wiring in our cars was a tasty (and very expensive) snack.
    Your back yard looks like an oasis.

    1. That's pretty much why I stopped feeding birds -- squirrel takeover and home invasions.


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