Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Lavender time and other vital subjects

The lavender is very good this year, and I've delivered several bunches to happy neighbors 

I counted seven or eight different kinds of bees and other insects, pollinating like mad things.  This bush is in a container where I let the roots go down into the ground. I do nothing for it. Nature's doing fine without my amateurish help.

The linen top is coming along 

The neck facings need to be finished inside and I have to decide how long the sleeve pleats will be. Then finish the hem and side slits. Done. 

The shirt puzzle answer is either




Neck, hem, sleeves make four, two holes at front, two matching ones at back, eight.  Unless you consider one large hole in the back. Then it's seven.  

So I think the answer is: not enough information provided, like those advanced multiple choice questions.

When I first encountered this one I thought six, forgetting that in order to see right through, there would have to be matching holes in the back, too. But wait, who said there had to be two?So I'm a six, no, no, eight, no, hold on, it could be seven, no, we can't know, guesser.

Tuesday knitting group was small and fun. I showed the new sock toe-up idea, starting with a square, and it was definitely approved.   No new work to show. 

One member is off next week to visit her parents, her mom not doing so well, but her 94 year old father still playing tennis, active online, definitely a healthy old party. We agreed that, with favorable DNA, attitude was a big part of getting old in spirit or not.  And that hanging out with less healthy people wasn't good for your own health and assumptions about aging. Also that stairs are fitness machines. 

And  the latest PayPal scam which someone's husband fell for and is now unwinding. And today's latest episode of the food pantry saga in which I received a thank you letter addressed to.my.late.Handsome.Partner.and.me.  He never had any input into my charitable giving, and anyway has been gone 13 years. I demanded a correction. At this point they must feel this donor is cursed!

Happy day, everyone, every puzzle doesn't have a single clear answer. It's annoying. But we knew that.  And watch this space for more parts to the Food Pantry saga.

This blogpost  is long enough, I'll fill you in on a great Textiles and Tea tomorrow.


  1. Lavender is so pretty and has a lovely smell. I keep saying I’ll make little pouches and put them in my drawers, unfortunately I just never get round to it Maybe next spring

    1. I just put a bunch in a bag and call it done!

  2. I calculated the puzzle answer to be eight, but never considered your very valid point that there might be one large hole on the back instead of two. You clever boots!

  3. Loved the puzzle and your great answer eliminating one hole.

    1. It was one of those not so fast, missy, puzzles.

  4. The lavender looks good. I think I tried it once, but it didn't do well. Or maybe that was heather. Or maybe both.

    1. You may need a longer hotter summer. I think yours might be a bit short.

  5. The top is looking lovely. The lavender is looking great too.

  6. Does your lavender go woody? Maybe your freezing winters help prevent that.
    Never let it be said that we might overthink a puzzle!!!
    The pleats on the sleeve look so pretty.

    1. Not sure about woody. It's a woody shrub, and this year the stems are longer than ever, really pleasing.
      Us? Overthink? This is why I hated multiple choice. So often I could think of more than one good choice! Ended up
      picking the one I guessed they wanted.

  7. What amazing lavender, I have some that looks spindly compared to yours.

    1. This one has been growing in a pot for many years, some looking better than others. This year is good.

  8. I've just had to cut out loads of dead wood from a large Lavender plant that was here when I moved in. I never manage to keep them for long, I don't think I trim them back enough each year.

    1. I don't do much to this one, other than leave it alone!

  9. Great statement that stairs are fitness machines! I used to tell my mother when she was well into her 80s and fit that, if she had a choice, choose the stairs. I‘m now taking my own advice.

    1. Wise man. Once you stop climbing stairs, you lose the strength to do it.

  10. Every year I try to grow lavender and every year I fail. Yet the rosemary bushes continue to grow and thrive - similar growing requirements - no rhyme or reason to it.

    1. Yes, who knows is often my response to garden puzzles. I've never done well with rosemary.

  11. I think lavender is one of those plants that once established, keeps going. I've never managed to get it going here, but I think it's a simple lack of sun - the common issue for light-loving plants here. Do you ever do that ribbon-wound lavender bundle thing? They always look so pretty.

    1. A,couple of my neighbors have been unable with similar conditions to mine, to get one going. But it's in blazing afternoon sun, which it seems to like.
      I can't tolerate the feel of lavender stems on my hands, so I just tie a string and call it done. I did try doing bundles and my hands hated it. So I conceded.

  12. I know it sounds absurd but lavender doesn't want to grow here. Lord knows I've tried. But oh, the basils!
    Love the top. You're going to enjoy wearing that so much.

    1. Maybe your zone is too tropical? Yes, I'm looking forward to wearing the top.

  13. Lavender doesn't grow here, either. Winters are too harsh. I've tried. Several times. The top is progressing nicely, it looks comfortable.

    1. Lavender is a Three Bears plant -- not too hot, not too cold!

  14. lavender generally doesn't do well here, too hot. though there is one variety that will grow and my sister always had one. that will be the last one since the dip into the teens last winter put an end to it and my sister is no longer among us.

    when I got married the first time I made my wedding dress. I had seen a picture of short shirred sleeves and I really liked the look. I had no pattern and really no idea if it would work but I elongated the sleeve pattern that came with the dress down the center, ran a gathering stitch down from the shoulder and was pleasantly surprised that it worked.

    1. That's how good ideas work! It sounds like a great dress.
      Sorry the lavender has gone, with Pam. I miss her

  15. Playing tennis at 94! that's great!!!!!

  16. Lavender is so lovely. I've always had trouble keeping perennials alive but I do love it!

    1. I think lavender is a force of its own. If it wants to grow, no power can stop it. Likewise if it doesn't.

  17. How I wish lavender didn't make me sneeze because it's so pretty and smells so nice.
    I'm liking the great detail of the pleat in the sleeve.

    1. Marion's very pleased I took her pleating idea.


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