Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dreams, checks, maybe balances

I see there are still people basing a career on the notion that dreams have deep Freudian meaning and guidance for our lives. I doubt if my own do. 

Largely they're a mashup of videos and pictures I've seen recently, thrown together Monty Python style.  Last night a giant hare and other animals showed up on my bed, then I went off to play golf among  volcanic rocks up a mountain. All in brilliant colors. This is in between figuring out solutions to knitting problems. 

It's all very entertaining, but I doubt if it would stand up to analysis. It probably means I need less screen time.

And since I live on what was Lenni Lenape land, have them to thank for caring for it, this is a good time to shout out the annual meeting this weekend 

 And here's a map showing the languages and territory. 

I live right where the dark green meets the lighter green, always in edge territory, me.

I'm not eligible for membership in the Lenni Lenape organization, but there's a Friends group, which sends out news and updates. It's good to remember we still have descendants living here, despite all.

 Happy day, everyone! Let's all tread lightly.


  1. Well, at least your dreams sound entertaining!

  2. Those are some fun dreams you have. I mostly don't remember dreams. I live on the land of the various Sioux tribes. There is actually a reservation in the city itself of Minneapolis. I heard on the radio they are building a large learning center in that location for youth of the tribe.

    1. I hope it's also going to educate the rest of the people, too, who think all the Indians are gone.

    2. I don't think people here think they are all gone, there are several reservations where most still seem to live and many of them have casinos. There are definitely many ignorant racists, though. That is for sure.

    3. What I've heard a lot, here where there are no reservations I know of, people assume every single Indian was expelled. The way people assume the early peoples of Peru are gone, while talking to them!

  3. I wonder what it means when you don’t remember your dreams? I never have.

    1. I expect you have them, though. I often wake up and the fragments of dreams vanish before I can put words to them.

  4. I don't think dreams portend to anything, but they can be darn evocative or disturbing or whatever.

  5. I rarely remember dreams, but when I do, they remain with me for years. As for dreams resolving one's problems, that's a load of guff!

    1. Some psychologists say the brain is dealing with your issues. Maybe, maybe not.

  6. I've never been much of a believer in dream analysis. I think it's just neurons firing.

  7. Dreamland is a holiday for me- my dreams are just as entertaining as the ones that you have noted here! Its loads of fun and I rarely get hurt from leaping and flying and running with one leg!
    Basketry and weaving and bead work - the first Americans had mastered everything, and then we came along to disrupt and conquer. An evil never forgotten by most of us. I still feel intrusive when I go to the Stommish though I am welcomed.
    Good people!

    1. Why am I not surprised that your dreams are endlessly entertaining?

  8. My dreams are generally all of a few various themes which I have mostly figured out over the years as they are quite obvious. Details can and do change but the themes remain the same. There are a few things though, that appear in all of them and some of those I have not yet figured out entirely. They must mean SOMETHING!
    I get so upset about the way the indigenous people who lived in this country are so often overlooked entirely when it comes to history. I read an article the other day about oysters and it stated that the oysters in Apalachicola Bay have been harvested there since around 1845 which is the biggest lie in the world. People were harvesting oysters there thousands of years before that. The huge mounds made of oyster shells attest to that fact. And...the Apalchee people FOR WHOM THE RIVER AND BAY AND TOWN WERE NAMED, lived in this area since at least 1000 AD if not earlier and they were hardly the first tribe here.
    And yet, we still count history as beginning when white people started doing things.
    I'm sorry. I'm a bit testy today. Not unlike most other days.

    1. Yes it's the white male if i don't know about it, it never happened thing.

  9. I'm pretty sure I'd wake up screaming if I dreamed a giant hare was on my bed, let alone other animals. And golfing in the mountains - that's a very high bar (pun totally intended). I think your dream means you're brave and adventuresome and have a healthy sense of humor. All true, right?

    1. The hare was very friendly! The whole thing seemed like knockabout comedy!

  10. I've had a few lovely moments in dreams, which still make me smile when I think of them even years later. But I wish I wouldn't have the ones that make me wake up with an unsettled or unhappy feeling, even though I can't remember the actual dream. Sometimes those dreams seem to set the tone for an entire day, and because I can't recall the dream, I can't think it through and lose the feeling. Ugh.

    1. That's a tough one. Have you ever experimented with lucid dreaming? That can eradicate those unsettling dreams, or turn them into something more benign.

  11. Some of my dreams are quite obvious. But, mostly, I think they’re just my brain spitting out everything that’s been floating around. I’m glad to know native people still have a presence in New Jersey.

    1. I think a lot of disconnected dreams are just random firings.

  12. I am quite sure that I should not divulge some of my dreams!

  13. I have such a hard time remembering my dreams. I think it's lovely you remembered this one!

    1. This one was entertaining. I have other recurring dreams in dream locations

  14. I'm one of those people who very rarely remember my dreams and actually have no clue whether I dream in colour or B&W.

    1. I've always had bright colored dreams, but occasionally a sepia one like an old movie.


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