Saturday, June 8, 2024

Linen emerges as new summer thing to wear

 I got out the white linen piece, ironed it, then here's how I decide what's next

Just throw it around and see. Not enough for long sleeves but yes, enough for a tunic type summer top

So here I've folded and refolded to find the middle, to estimate where to cut the neck opening.

As you see, it's keyhole style

but this vee is not the final shape. I'll refold to work differently, more of a T shape

then I pinned the estimated sleeve , got out another top to gauge width, you see it on the left

Now it's cut out.  Those bits of linen will be used at the neckline.  A bit of stitching and I'll have a top for practically everything I wear. This will have side slits, it's fairly long. 

I'm making this while I decide what to do with the woven squares. They may end up being a vest with this top... I'm weaving them while I decide about the next page in the fabric book. But first..

Summer's waking me early, up long before seven. Out walking shortly after nine, in the morning shade, giant frogs leaping and the drake annoyed with me for disturbing them all.

This means I'm ready for lunch very early, too. Today spicy plant patty things with roast diced potato, malt vinegar, big handful of cilantro. Enough to do it again tomorrow, too. 

It also means I don't know if I'm tired or not.  Hm. Knitting while I consider that. 

Happy day everyone. As long as I'm doing all the things, you don't need to.

Two loose ends: the donation check I handed over the other day? Already cleared. They made sure of this one.

And the Haggard Hawks puzzle answer 

but you knew that!


  1. The new top will be lovely and cool. The vest over it during the cooler months will be set off nicely against the white. I can just see you looking very posh and setting trends.

    1. That sounds good. I don't know about setting trends!

  2. I’ve been thinking I need a linen shirt for summer. But I’ll have to go to a shop and buy one. That last photo is beautiful.

    1. Linen and summer are a great combo. Buy? What's that?

  3. What could be better than a giant frog leaping? Sounds quite heavenly to me.

    1. Yes, it's great to watch their movement. Such power.

  4. That will be a fabuous summer top. My favourite summer top is an olive green tunic, I love it! Have a great day, Valerie

    1. That's a great summer color. I like white next to my face, flattering to old skin, then a color further away. An olive green vest, maybe. I have a white and olive striped linen vest which would go with this top. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. We’ll be walking early this week too. It’s supposed to be HOT.

  6. You are the cleverest. I love how your mind works to come up with the ideas and then you have the ability and skills to make the ideas reality.

    1. A lot of it is experiment and practice, really. You just have to try and see.

  7. I never have to wonder if I am tired. I always am. 😇

    1. I hardly recognize the state. My husband used to say that collapse is nature's way of letting me know to rest!

  8. Linen definitely seems to be the fabric of the season this year. I see a lot of ads for linen clothes. I had a pair of blue linen capris that I loved and wore then until the fabric was so thin it basically disintegrated.

    1. I love linen in summer, cool and never clingy. It also takes color well. Easy to slide your needle through.

  9. Thank you for doing all the things for me! How quickly you are able to turn a random piece of linen into something useful that looks good. And, no, I did not know the answer to the puzzle.

    1. A random piece of fillintheblank pretty much describes how I proceed! This piece has been hanging in the doorway of the downstairs bathroom for ages waiting for an idea.

  10. You have such a light touch with garment design !

    1. Design is a kind way to describe what I do!

  11. Oh, the idea of using the squares to make a vest sounds interesting. I'm getting up crazy early these days too -- 5 a.m. because of the dog! (She's up with the sun, EVERY DAY.)

    1. Being up at amazing hours is one reason I don't mind being pet free just now.

  12. I never wear linen in summer. Linen is not good for our kind of summer( at least, from my own experience).

    1. Interesting. Here it gets hot and humid, and I find it works better than cotton, at least for me.

  13. I do envy you your ability to encourage fabric to turn into a garment. I couldn't make clothing even with a pattern.

    1. I think it's from very good teaching at school. We learned to design a bodice block to fit ourselves. From that comes the paper pattern, or you can just dispense with the pattern and drape fabric.


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