Sunday, June 23, 2024

Blessed rain and other good things

 Where we are 

One of these days I'll be back in circulation, but not quite yet

The second is for those knowledgeable European friends who exclaim oh but you Americans have a dry heat. In Arizona maybe. In NJ not so much.  

Blessed rain, yesterday evening, cleaning the air and the pollen off my car.  I can feel the difference in breathing and my eyes are less irritated. 

The indoor scallions are done, and now there's a colony of fungi. I expect David or Chris or someone will tell us what they are.

New credit card arrived. And they make it very easy to acknowledge receipt, put it in use. Why don't medical people use decent IT on their sites? Yes, I know, they're cheap. Credit card companies spend more and get better work. 

Meanwhile I can now update the various online people who use my credit card for regular donations. One worthy organization has been nagging me since April to update. Many emails. I finally said it's impossible until I get the new card, not even due for months. 

I also said I was thinking of discontinuing membership if they didn't stop harassing me. Whereupon they thanked me for my message and said that in accordance with my query, here was the date of my membership expiration!  Bring on the clowns.

The people actually doing the work of the org.  are wonderful, and the IT people are making them look aggressive and not very bright. 

Remember the missing check to the food pantry! It finally came back. Addressed to the same address as always, now with a big sticker applied by some bright spark in Trenton to say undeliverable, inadequate address. Oh well, at least it wasn't cashed.

Another concern, because of not driving for a few days, was whether my car would start. I tested it after the rain cooled the air a bit. It started, yay. With this car, not being driven much, it's been an issue.

And here's this morning, before the heat comes rushing back again 

Lovely Stella d'oro day lilies. Whoever developed this variety was no businessman. I bought one, thirty plus years ago, whose divisions have brightened two developments, numerous private gardens and a median strip in Trenton. Not much return to the horticulturist, huge ROI to the buyer.

I'm glad you enjoyed the animal tales, more some other  time. Yes, there were moments of excitement, usually from the humans, rarely the animals.  Client management is a big part of a petcare enterprise. Sometimes people would ask about how to start this kind of business because they got along better with animals than people. I had to explain that without people skills,  there's no business! Eighty per cent of the agita comes from the humans.

Happy day, everyone, here's hoping for minimal agita for you today.


  1. Yay for rain that cleared your air for a while. And maybe pushed the thermometer down for a bit too! And of course the afternoon sun will bake us right back up there!

    1. It did clean the air. And saved me from watering the flowers this morning.

  2. Credit card arrives, check is returned, car started. A good day. I used to board a few horses here. What you say about needing to manage the humans, very true. The 1000 lb animals were easy. Some of the people, not so much.

    1. Yes, much easier to arrive at an agreement with animals. Humans, oh well, so many with an agenda.

  3. you're experiencing our summer heat and humidity though it's not supposed to get as hot today as your forecast, still in the 90s though. not much fun is it. I went out briefly this morning and did a little maintenance on the driveway and that's it for me outside today. 85% humidity from all the rain from the tropical storm.

    1. Yes our humidity is from the welcome rain yesterday. The plants like it. They've all perked up.

  4. It's good that the rain has cleared the air somewhat, but I suppose the humidity will ramp up again with the heat. It's horrible when every little movement brings a torrent of sweat.

    1. Humidity is always with us, year round. My hair likes it.

  5. Late Sunday Morning, it is pouring here, as opposed to just raining, which it has been doing a lot for a few days.

    As for the Stellas, I never did like them for some reason. We have a bed of daylilies, and I am delighted to see them bloom. They have their time, and then they go without reblooming, and that it that.

  6. I think modern customer service people would benefit from your advice. I am so weary of them all after numerous phone calls...Enjoy your day!

    1. They're rarely in the actual service business, in my experience.

  7. We are having rain…good for the farmers. I’ve had enough though.

    1. Yes, after a bit you get tired of saying oh the land needs it. You want to scream, but I don't!

  8. Oh I hate dealing with people over the phone. Luckily hubby thrives on it so I just leave it all up to him. If it’s emails they want then I give it to my son to deal with.
    I’m very spoilt that way

    1. The phone is very difficult for people with hearing loss. I try to avoid it. Maybe that will change once I get set up with what the audiologist calls assistive devices (!)

  9. A young friend once said she'd become a vet because she liked animals better than people. But animals come with people, I responded. And the people speak your language.

    1. And you can't do anything without the people's consent!

  10. Shakespeare could be bitchy when he wanted to be.

    1. It's a change from endlessly writing quotations.

  11. Customer service isn't service anymore - at least not in most places. When I trained bank tellers back in the day I harped on how important customer service was because without it they wouldn't have a job for very long. I recently mustered my courage to call the cable company and ask for an update to our 'loyal customer' account and after I went through the usual angst trying to get to talk to a real live person I ended up talking to the nicest man ever. We chatted about all sorts of things for at least 45 minutes. I kept telling him he was going to get in trouble for taking so long but he said not to worry. He was certainly a refreshing change!

    1. That was a nice experience. Unusual, too!


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