Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Many arrangements, textiles and tea, and a reveal.

Gary stopped in briefly Tuesday afternoon, when I was home, the 90+ temperatures ruling out the Tuesday knitting group for me, and in the course of a couple of minutes we arrived at the following decisions:

1.  I will consider replacing my stepladder with a better one from another neighbor and dispose of mine. I pointed out that Gary's the only person who uses it anyway, so either way is fine. Dispose of either one, keep one.

2. I will save my ice blocks from Misfits for him to use in his cooler over the summer and resume recycling later.

3. He will replace the beat up old outdoor storage  doors for himself, me and another neighbor, if I will find out the paint color required by the HOA. This won't happen till later this summer, because of various trips and projects and this is situation normal.

That and plant chat about the houseplant broken by squirrels, and the meeting concluded. We should run a company, never any wasted time.

I got back to the pinloom weaving and finished the vest. I plan to do an adjustment to the arm holes, usual requirement for my curvy back; it's looking ok.

Textiles and Tea this week was Sam Goates, a Scottish weaver of wool yardage for menswear, using some amazing old looms. She left Glasgow after university, to spend twenty years in Australia working in textile design, then returned to Scotland to open her own company, Woven in the Bone.

The machinery was intriguing, noisy to the point of needing ear protectors, but work horses for yardage production.

I'm listening to new YouTube uploads of various Margery Allingham mysteries while I'm making these days. Today one of my favorites, Flowers for the Judge. Full of the quirky characters she specializes in. 

And here's an analysis of the biased mainstream media on Biden's age. Just sayin'. Just been sayin' for a while now.

Happy day, everyone, weave on. Or don't, it's so hot.


  1. The vest looks very cute...and I'm amazed to see such yardage of industrial output compared to home weavers! But then again, to make a suit of clothes in herringbone...expected! Keep cool!

    1. Her output is very large compared to home hobby weavers, but quite boutique in her field of industrial production. Especially since she makes it for menswear only.

  2. The vest is looking great, Boud.

    You are great neighbours there!

    1. The neighborhood is an interesting mix, mostly nice.

  3. I like imagining that you and Gary run the whole HOA with your behind-the-scenes meeting. It would be so cool if you could change the color choices to only rainbow colors.
    That vest is so cute!
    I really do not understand why the news outlets focus on Biden's age and mental acuity. Trump can't finish a thought these days, much less a sentence and he was never that smart to begin with.

  4. The color is an exciting warm beige, clashes with the cream of the walls..dark green front door, attracts heat, sigh.

  5. Very nice vest! That's some massive equipment the weaver has. I personally wish Biden wasn't running again, but I will certainly vote for him. Trump seems to get a pass on everything, but then you need to look at who runs the media companies. You and Gary are each a force of nature, put together, oh boy!

    1. Those looms are impressive. So's the racket they make.
      Biden is impressive, T***p makes a racket.

  6. Love the vest! I imagine the Biden age thing is partly chicken-and-egg. In other words, the Republicans are making an issue of it, which drives mentions in the media, but Democrats aren't pounding Trump about his age in quite the same way (choosing to focus, instead, on his obvious and complete lunacy and his authoritarian and seditious impulses).

    1. The vest worked out pretty well, atc. The mainstream media, not so much.

  7. Oh, and for the record, I'm not saying that makes it OK. Every article about Biden's age should dwell equally on Trump's age.

  8. From my view, the vest looks better than OK. I love it!

    1. Thank you! The maker is usually dissatisfied.

  9. You have been busy, Boud, despite the hot weather in NJ. As others have commented you are creating a nice-looking vest that paired well with the skirt(?) you were modeling.

    1. Thank you. In real life the colors of skirt and vest don't work well, one too green, the other too yellow. But the shape of the vest is right, and the length. I just happened to be wearing that skirt when I tried on the vest.

  10. I’m exhausted just reading all this. The vest has turned out great
    Stay inside and stay hydrated Not much else you can do in hot weather.

  11. It seems to have been a most efficient meeting.

  12. Oh, your pinloom woven vest looks so terrific! You'll get a lot of compliments on it!

  13. Good to know that Gary is back and doing Gary-things after his health scare. Definitely too hot to contemplate doing some of the jobs he has in mind.
    Your vest looks wonderful on you - well done!


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