Sunday, June 2, 2024

Frogapalooza, low flying ducks

 Lovely weather for a walk this morning while I decided what to make for lunch. The Sunday duffers were out on the golf course, and I shied a few errant golf balls back in bounds.

The ripples in the pond are the result of about ten large frogs flying from the bank into the water when I approached. 

Each gave a kind of scream as they took off, very different from the bass notes they'd been sounding a few seconds before they spotted me.

The drake you see over there was swimming peacefully until the frogs all leapt in, whereupon he leapt up and flew away. I was an interloper.

While I watched the ripples moving across the water, I listened to a pair of cardinals, nesting nearby, and a redwing blackbird, then some Carolina wren songs.

The scarlet pimpernel are spreading 

And watch this space for orange day lilies which have evidently gone feral long ago, in many ditches and roadsides around here. 

This old tree's roots look like a dinosaur might be related 

And at the other end of the spectrum, a baby rabbit too young to realize that now would be a good time to run.

 A second later he did. 

Lovely day, lunch was a weird assortment of cheddar cheese, mini naan, cooked sweet potato and raw spinach. Dessert was new made yogurt, with strawberries. 

I spent the afternoon in a live stream with Marion the multi-talented stitcher, gardener, knitter, dressmaker, painter, you name it. There seems to be nothing she hasn't tried. She's modest but I think she succeeds at anything she tries, intrepid.

She's recovering from the loss of her longtime husband who was her great partner and encourager, and starting this YouTube channel a year ago is part of the recovery.  

She knew little about it, little about the internet, but her daughter encouraged her to try it, and she's doing very well, but still a North country lady. Sceptical, but enjoying it all.

While I listened and watched, I wove several more squares, and ideas are vaguely starting about them. 

I do want to get on with the fabric book, too, and the idea for the next page,  also ideas for that rescued linen. And for the rescued denim look cotton sofa cover, dress weight. And the Ministry Socks continue. 

Aside from that, Mrs Lincoln..

Happy day, everyone, make something today. Even if it's only a fuss.


  1. You were the butterfly that flapped its wings in the Amazon and set off a nature chain reaction.

  2. A very good day. Thanks for the recap.

    1. You're welcome. I like reading about people's days, too.

  3. Great little frog pond you have. Taking a walk sounds like just the thing, though , up here, one would need water sings. it is a misery! I took your advise- I made a mess!

    1. Interestingly, it's just a retention pond to avoid flooding on the golf course. Nature has reclaimed it and it's booming with all kinds of plant and animal life.

  4. Replies
    1. I see them flying through the air, never time for a picture between scream and splash.

  5. After all that beautiful nature, I imagined you spending “the afternoon -- with your feet -- in a live stream with Marion! I caught on. I did think the tree roots were dinosaur toes. Thank you for permission; I know if nothing else I CAN make a fuss.

    1. Never surrender your right to kick up a fuss.

  6. I hope the frogs don’t get dinged bay golf ball!

    1. It wouldn't surprise me if there were dozens of them in the pond.

  7. Those orange daylilies are close to being indestructible.

    1. Definitely survivors. And they look quite delicate.

  8. It was always a challenge to get close enough to the edge of the pond to see a row of turtles basking on a partially submerged deadfall, because Piper liked to get there first - and I'd hear a rapid series of plops.

    1. Dear Piper. I doubt if I'd see much if I had a dog along.

  9. Those are lovely photos but my favorite is the tree roots. Ancient paws.

    1. Aren't they cool? I never really focused on them before.

  10. I love reading about your encounters with nature! We only have to look and listen!

    1. This is why I don't walk with people or audiobooks. I'd miss too much.

  11. The roots do look like dinosaur feet! You had a splendid day, your batteries had a recharge. I will make a fuss and a muss.

    1. It was lovely, yes. Every time there are new things to see and hear.

  12. walking across the yard yesterday I startled a small young leopard frog. three leaps until he was hidden in the flower bed.

    1. You have to be so quick to spot and identify them.

  13. What a wonderful walk, Boud! I love it when the frogs take a leap! And that bunny is a dear.

  14. I wonder what people who don’t craft do when they’re home. I seriously have no spare time where I can sit and think oh I’m bored.
    No walking around here. It’s cold and wet so inside adventures only.

    1. We were talking about this at a recent group. None of us could fathom what people did!

    2. I don't craft, but I too have no spare time - the days are packed with other activities. I too wonder how people manage to be bored.

      Chris from Boise

  15. Now I can't unsee dinosaur toes! It was interesting to read the comments about wondering what people do with their time when they aren't creators. I too have often wondered about that.


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