Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Pasta bean something and look! Hibiscus!

Today was a bit under the weather day, very hot, didn't get in a walk, since the sun exposure thing, UV index, was high. 

But I did get into stitching, and it's getting there.

The gradual increase in heft as the stitching mounts up is pleasing.  I'm thinking about the next page now, and making little weavings while I think about it.

And early in the week, before food arrives Thursday morning, is sometimes a bit what to eat, bread's done, want to avoid heating up the kitchen.

Anyway, this happened and I'm quite pleased. One can diced tomatoes, can cannellini beans, chunk of Parmesan, chunk of butter, cumin, chili powder, mixed with radiator pasta. 

The garnish is homegrown scallions.  Not sure what this might be called. It's more beans and tomatoes than pasta. It's good though, by any name.

Additional note for people unfamiliar with radiator pasta 

Strawberries and yogurt for dessert. So I guess there was something to eat in the place.

And here's a hugely exciting sight 

Suddenly, finally, the hibiscus I thought would never start, threw out this sturdy growth. This is the replacement for the snowdrops that never grew, well, two out of about 100. 

Up until yesterday, the hibiscus looked like a dead twig, with just a hint of green wood. Now I guess its time has come. So I'm glad I left it alone. 

Happy day, everyone, sometimes doing nothing is a good policy. Then there's this approach 

Guilty as charged.



  1. I've got a couple of creatives in my family. Interesting to live with . . .

  2. Your stitching is wonderful for not doing much you accomplished a lot.

  3. It is a good idea to stay indoors when the heat is oppressive. It has been cold here,

  4. Radiator pasta? We must call it something different. Maybe spirals.
    I guess meeting number 1 only on Creative People chart doesn't make me creative.

    1. I wonder what your name for it is? Maybe Caro can oblige.

  5. I call that pasta shape "roti-oties" and use it a lot because of the delightful way it hangs onto sauce :)

    1. I like how obliging it is about mixing with vegetables. I only discovered it recently.

  6. Whatever we think of cold vs hot weather, it is easier to sleep in a cooler house.

    1. I like it cool enough to use a covering at night. But I haven't used the AC yet.

  7. I like that meme about creative people!

  8. That radiator pasta is a new one to me, don't think we get that here. Penne and twists are the norm.

    1. You might like to try it if you come across it. Also good in soup.

  9. I agree about the 'hand' changing as you stitch on a project. I always find that additional weight/heft very satisfying.
    Love the 'Creative People' meme and, like you, they all apply to me. I might snag this one for sharing on my blog too...thanks!

  10. Sometimes, for some beings and things, being left alone is exactly what's needed.

  11. Radiatori is great for holding sauce. Whatever you call it, you meal looks good. It's very hot and humid, fortunately there is a breeze. I fit everyone of those descriptions of a creative person!

  12. Great meme about creative people and just what I needed to see today!

    1. I love it. Ready made excuses for all occasions.

  13. I have not been keeping up, but so glad I popped in on this post. Your latest stitch looks fun - to do and to look at. And your thoughts about it is interesting. We wouldn't necessarily see the heft on a screen, but you mentioning it, I can imagine how it feels in hand, and looks in person.

    1. I'm really liking this, though the concept is a bit dark.

  14. I'm glad the hibiscus has emerged!

  15. I never pull out a plant until it has gone through all the seasons.
    Many a time it’s lucky I didn’t as they do eventually start to shoot
    Enjoy the warm weather. We have hit winter with a vengeance and it’s suddenly really cold


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