Friday, June 28, 2024

Knitting group, breakfast and other rigid assumptions.

Just a note: I am a committed political activist, plenty of opinions about last night and plenty of political action plans with my buds, and my blog is not the place to discuss it today. Thank you.

I was eating blueberries and wheat bread for breakfast and thinking it seems natural to have grains and fruit with a hot drink for breakfast. Just as it seems better to read fiction in the afternoon, not before lunch. 

And I remember how upset we all were when we started high school (age 11 in the UK) and had to do math in the afternoon! We practically revolted against such an affront to nature! Everyone knew math was in the morning, literature in the afternoon.  It was right, that's all. 

One of my US friends used to like a bowl of egg drop soup for breakfast. Not a Chinese friend, just liked it then.  It sounded so wrong. What rigid ideas I still seem to have, to be sure. Just as everyone knows the label end of the pillow goes in the case first. And the open end goes to the middle of the bed. No, I don't know why either.

I suppose it simplifies life to have these fixed points, but they tend to develop into railings shutting us inside without a key if we're not careful.

Friday knitting group was fun, a combo of knitting, weaving and stitching. 

One person learned how to use the pinloom, seen here in a beautiful top she knitted, while her retro table cover stitching waited, another is completing an Icelandic sweater, and my socks go on and on.

A couple of women, mother and daughter, stopped by for a  while, in the hope, we think, of free lessons. We were nice but unyielding.

Convo ranged over being mistaken for employees in libraries and stores, seventies home decor, Gary's horror at the space where the ficus was,  shoulder issues, the entitlement of certain volunteers,  libraries imposed on for supervision and entertainment by relatives of older people, cultish knitting businesses. All in all, interesting!

Beautiful today, low 80s, sunshine very liveable.

Happy day, everyone, off to make egg salad sandwiches for supper, with plums. The plums to follow, that is.


  1. All I can say is the debate was interesting - 'nuff said on THAT subject.
    Odd that you should say the open end of the pillow goes in the middle of the bed - here it's the opposite. Does that mean I'm a rebel?

    1. That one was a surprise to me, too!

    2. I was taught the open end of pillows face away from the bedroom door. Now, hand towels -- a whole different study!

  2. I will eat pizza for breakfast if it's leftover. I was taught the open end of a pillow case is on the outside of the bed. As if it matter. ;)

    1. There are probably regional differences about pillows!

  3. I agree that the label end of the pillow goes in the pillowcase first but I'm sorry -- the open end of the pillowcase goes to the side of the bed, not the middle. FIGHT ME!

  4. Fruit and bread is OK for me too, but I don't drink with it or immediately after it, as sometimes it might cause digestive issue. Fruit and liquid don't go well together. It depends on how much bread one eats with it.

  5. I am so glad you clarified about the plums. Plums IN egg salad sandwiches is just wrong. :-)

    Chris from Boise

    1. There may be places where they're a requirement. But my sandwich isn't one of them

    2. I had the same reaction, Chris - and I don't even eat egg salad :)

    3. I'm feeling a little sorry for the mother and daughter...could anyone in the group direct them toward a learning opp or offer a lesson at another time, with payment if desired?

    4. I'm wondering why you assume we don't always do that? Referrals to two local stores who offer lessons, also YouTube. We do it routinely. It's what we do.

  6. I have never thought about the position of the open ends of the pillow case. Hmmm…curious!

  7. The pin loom sounds interesting. Looking it up, I remember we used one as kids.

    1. Did you? It's pretty intricate for kids. It's a fun little tool.

  8. Someone (a woman I admired) once said there are rules, and then there are conventions. So I use this a lot when playing cards (solitaire usually). The rules are strict, but whether I use a card in the way I choose, or the way I would usually do are the conventional vs. the radical choices. Boy do I have a lot of conventions too!

    1. The brain tends to interpret conventions as rules after a while! Good reminder.

  9. First, I agree with all your comments about labels, placements, etc. With that out of the way, what a great knitting group yesterday. The grey sweater is lovely.

    1. It's a fun time. And that top was even better in person, such a great fit.

    2. I like that grey top too! JanF

  10. I was making up my bed today with fresh sheets, as you know I do on Fridays and I always, always, put the pillow tag on the inside part of the pillow case. However, I place my pillows with the open ends to the edges of the bed. We all have our little rituals, don't we?
    Sounds like a good knitting group. Glad you went. Probably the best thing you could have done today.

    1. I totally needed it. And it's a politics free zone, for various reasons.

  11. I eat all sorts of breakfast, mostly leftovers and my grandmother instilled some of those same habits.

    1. Now that's more flexible than I can be. A good idea.

  12. Sounds like a varied and interesting afternoon at knitting
    That’s what it was like in the pool on our early morning swims. We sorted all the worries of the world and had therapy sessions just listening to one another.
    That’s what I miss most now I’m not going.

    1. That kind of mainly women's conversation is really important. If you can find something like that again, it would be good.

  13. Some rituals there of which I was unaware.
    It should always be a bread and butter morning and a jam afternoon in school - it's a law of nature

    1. Yes, amazing to me to see jam offered with croissants for breakfast in France. Couldn't be right!

  14. “... the label end of the pillow goes in the case first. And the open end goes to the middle of the bed.” Oh, thank you!!! I’m not the only one! And I don’t know why either.

  15. I have had noodle soup for breakfast in Vietnam, Cambodia, Hong Kong and Taiwan and chicken soup in Colombia. The noodle soup in Vietnam was especially delicious and very inexpensive.

  16. It must be something to do with feeling one should be more alert in the morning that makes maths in the afternoon wrong. And reading fiction in the morning definitely wrong!


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