Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The air is the main event

 Here's where we are with our air today.

You can taste it, bit headachy, eyes scratchy. So today is about being at home, windows closed. I made a brief, masked, trip to dump yesterday's prunings, and found small beauties, oak leaves, two kinds, on the way home 

I also checked the hanging coleus out front, near where a nest of house sparrows succeeded in populating my stove exhaust vent. While I was watching the mourning doves out back, they were building successfully out front and rearing a clutch of young.

The young spuggies are learning to fly, using the shepherd's crook the coleus was hanging from. Halfway between nest and ground, perfect to aim for, perch, poop on the coleus, and fly further. 

The coleus is now in a poop-safe place on the step, and some pruned leaves have joined both the oak leaves.

For your viewing pleasure.

And, once again, the HOA management never fails with comic relief, viz.

I literally know one person with a working printer! Which is not me because out of cartridges. Soooo back to the files, found the exact same form the previous manager mailed out, blanked the old date and sent email pix. None of your print this, scan this nonsense, young man! Never mind your excitement over a few bits of plastic.

And yesterday's Textiles and Tea featured a nervous guest host and a knotter/coil/basket artist whose work is much more eloquent than his words, which were pretty indistinct, 

So, knowing little about him except that he grew up in a household of geologists and weavers, here's his work. It can speak for itself, powerful statements 

These are about 24 inches high, I believe, though they look monumental. Makes a person want to try it, a sure sign of good art.

So that's us today. Misfits has boxed my order, to arrive tomorrow, but, sorry, no lettuce. They've started noting on the website the reasons items are available -- overstock, small, blemishes etc. A lot of my choices are overstocks. The apples are small, often the case with their bagged fruit. The oversized ones are sold in twos or  threes, usually too big for my use.

Happy day everyone, watch out for smoke, and low flying sparrows.


  1. The coleus and oak leaves are so pretty together. Our oak tree is slow to develop leaves this year. It is the same around the island apparently for most trees. Storm damage from Fiona is getting the blame.

    1. It's going to be a while before they recover.

  2. I like the leaf design you put together. I have been seeing that the smoke is bad where you are. It's wise to stay inside.

    1. Much worse this afternoon. The air is dark yellow. Smell of wood smoke everywhere.

  3. I remember when we had the fires. The air quality was horrific
    Try to just stay inside as much as you can. Hopefully all the fires are out soon before more damage is done

    1. Yes, staying inside, not going anywhere, is the current plan.

  4. We have been reading about your air in our news feed. Like living in Greece in summer - we would wake up some days with a layer of ash on the balcony. This is not at all good.

    1. It's definitely not good for anyone, human, animal or plant,

  5. Don't know what is going on with comments! Don't like to be anonymous. Runnrose here.
    Was going to ask, "Don't you love that 'Tada!' feeling when you are able to work around a problem successfully?" No printer, no problem! Then I encounter a blog comment issue. Can't seem to work around it except by.......
    I made many a doily with that pineapple pattern; fun to see that somebody still has doilies. Do hope the smoke situation improves soon.

    1. Blogger is doing weird stuff. It's started offering me comments from 14 years ago!
      The doily is one of a number I rescued from being tossed by a family who just had too much output from earlier generations. Who knows how old this one is. I use them for tablescapes and other fancy ideas.

  6. Poor little coleus . . . those damn sparrows!

  7. Wonderful baskets. I bet Mr. Nolan talked to his lap.

  8. His connection was poor, cutting out, freezing, muffled. But his work sings!

  9. Those baskets are amazing. Yup. Definitely want to try that!

  10. Wow, that air quality sounds grim. But the leaf arrangement is pretty.

    1. The air is desperately bad. Hoping for relief soon.

  11. Good days to stay in and putter. I know that when they are doing controlled burns around this area that people with respiratory problems really suffer.
    Good for you for figuring out the parking tag forms without a printer!

    1. We seem to have been caught on the back foot with the smoke. It's rarely a big issue here, so nobody in Gov seems to have a ready plan.

  12. Our air quality is much better today, so I guess they must’ve put out the local fires.

    1. I'm glad to hear it. We've improved from hazardous to very unhealthy! I guess that's an improvement?

  13. We haven't had the smoke effects here (yet) but I wouldn't be surprised if we do soon. My printer hasn't worked for a bit. UGH. Almost easier to throw what I need on a flash drive and go to Staples to print out than to figure out what's wrong.

    1. Our public libraries will do printing. But ny laptop scarcely functions so there's no using flash drives. Workarounds rule.

  14. I do like his weaving/basketry. my printer works but I've never been able to get the scanning function to work, finally gave up trying. I get my ink cartridges from, very reasonable refilled cartridges. every time I put one in the printer says hey, I don't recognise this, do you really want to use it? just keep pressing the go button.

  15. I am often taken aback by just how people seem to think that we ALL have access to things like printers and fancy cell phones and know how to text willy nilly. And what about the fact that they are no longer teaching cursive writing in schools - we're bringing up an entire generation of illiterates in so many ways. (climbing off my well-polished soapbox now....)
    Another interesting episode of Textiles and Tea - thank you.

    1. I have a printer but I don't plan to buy a new ink cartridge just for his dinky form. I think when people work in offices with equipment provided they forget that not everyone has the same gear. I'm still asked occasionally about faxing! Using a landline, what's that?


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