Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Handsome Partner's birthday thoughts

 Yesterday we had our chocolate walnut cake dessert with cherry sauce, and chatted about many things including the life of Handsome Partner, the supreme court finally making good decisions, peppermint plants, John Tradescant and others.

 The tiny bouquet, picked between storms, included spiderwort, aka tradescantia virginiana, hence the Tradescant chat.

Anyway, we remembered Handsome Partner on his 91st birthday, and here are a few thoughts from earlier birthdays on this blog

I didn't know when I wrote the first one here, that it would be his last. It's a long post that acknowledges blogistas, too, and.  you might like to check it out 

Happy day, everyone, storms outside, but it's peaceful indoors, in every sense.


  1. Tis a very fine and appropriate tradition. Cheers.

  2. such an excellent way to celebrate a life, a love, family. I don't even remember the date that my beloved father died - sometime in November, election day - we joked he stayed with us long enough to find out that the party of his favoured persuasion had won enough to govern. I remember him on his birthday too. F

    1. It just seems better to remember their life.

  3. Celebrating the important ones in our life is important!

    1. Yes, remembering their importance in our lives.

  4. My heart goes out to you and your handsome partner and son

  5. Just lovely. I know you think of him every day but it is a very fine thing to especially honor him on his birthday.

    1. I always envied him his lovely June birthday! Sunshine, strawberries, all great.

  6. I think celebrating like this is a great tradition and wonderful that doing so now then leaves a Handsome Son to enjoy his own day. I wish I had thought about this when my mother was still alive and had chosen to celebrate Mother's Day at a different time. My grandmother passed away on Mother's Day so that made it difficult for my mom in later years.

    1. Well, now you know, and you know about half birthdays, too.

  7. I agree with others that this is a fine tradition.

    1. It's a good idea to create your own if the prevailing ones don't fit.

  8. That sounds like an excellent memorial practice.

    1. It's certainly more fun than observing only the end of life.

  9. What an excellent way to remember HP. You sent me down a rabbit hole about John Tradescant (both elder and younger) whom I'd somehow not heard of. (Although I have heard of Tradescantia, the genus of one of the houseplants in our living room!)

    1. His name crops up all over. He worked for Cecil, one of the powerful ministers around Elizabeth I, and a collateral ancestor of the Jonathan Cecil who was a great audiobook reader. You can tell his bona fides when he pronounces it Sissil!

  10. A much better way to remember, celebrate a lost loved one than the day they left.

  11. Happy heavenly birthday to handsome partner. I’m sure he is looking down and smiling. I’ll raise a glass to him and you xx

  12. Every year I appreciate that you and HS celebrate the life of HP on his birthday. I know about the random odds of coincidence, but it still seems interesting that so many people die on celebratory days. My mother passed on my father's birthday, and it was an unfortunate and of course unplanned irritation to him in their otherwise very strong marriage. Had he not himself died within the year, I hope we would have figured out a similar strategy.

    A very handsome bouquet! And a wide-ranging conversation around that chocolate walnut cherry-sauced cake. You have a lovely, as well as Handsome, Son.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Michael is interested in a lot of things. He was amused to note that after John tradescant had managed to bring that plant on the long sea voyage from Virginia to England, to cultivate it, I was unable to keep it going for more than a couple of hours in my house!

  13. Great idea to celebrate the birthday! Love it!

  14. A wonderful idea. If anyone in my family outside myself celebrated birthdays, this would be part of a family tradition.

  15. Happy birthday to him. Too bad the Supremes didn't keep it up with the good decisions.


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