Monday, June 5, 2023

A Day of Small Things

 My shoulder and neck aren't feeling much better, despite the day's rest. I did a bit of weaving, and the seasonal Changing of the Sofa Cover. 

It's looking a bit Shabby Chic meets Cottagecore  around here. Nigel Slater for food ideas, old wedding ring quilt on the sofa, you see the back, which I like better, antique hooked rug, getting more and more Fred Bear as it goes, oak coffee table scored long ago at the dumpster, Freecycled lovely tray, gifted handwoven napkin.

That's it for seasonal changes, except for unplugging the fireplace insert.

Meanwhile the herb corner is doing well on the deck

Working clockwise starting bottom left, chives, Thai basil, sage, curry leaves, Italian basil. Further back is what's left of the thyme plant, and the insistent lemon balm which gets everywhere. The potatoes are here too 

In the other side of the deck the flowers are germinating nicely, so the cheapo seeds were in fact a good idea. 

I'm resisting the temptation to knit and spin, much as I'd like to, because I need my shoulder to stop hurting first , with the help of ice, and some pills I've found. Not much pain relief here because I don't get much pain. But I found a few Advil generic tablets in the bathroom cabinet. 

So that's Chez Boud today, moaning bravely, listening to a mystery audiobook, occasionally putting in a jigsaw piece, poor me!

The puzzle solution as you probably quickly found is 

CH added to each word







If anyone found a different solution, let us know.

Happy day everyone, mind your shoulder and any other body part that's in need of TLC.


  1. Prayers you feel better
    Your plants are doing well.

  2. Oh least your herbs are progressing nicely! For me I have to baby my lungs...which is a very hard thing to know how to do. Go go go for a bit, and when I'm tired, sit and rest and catch my breath. They don't wheeze at least, but aren't working at the capacity I had 6 months ago, so I'm trying to keep them going a bit better.

    1. It really knocks your energy when your lungs are struggling.

  3. I smiled at mention of the fire place insert and seasonal change. We had to light the fireplace again today. It was so cold!

    1. It's cool at night but the daytime is warm here. Further south than you!

  4. I changed out my bedding today, to summer from winter. And tonight it will be forty degrees. I may need the flannel nightgown.

  5. Can you rearrange your weaving station to ease the pressure on the shoulders?

    1. The weaving isn't the issue. It's spinning and knitting that cause the problem. I was able to weave fine, just can't do other things. Weaving is the least stressful for me of all the fiber arts, no fine coordination needed. The pain is from the other functions, so the weaving didn't make it worse. I just need to rest from the other functions.

  6. We all need a quiet day now and again.

  7. I hope you get some relief, dear Boud. It sounds like the rest of your day was good.

  8. I hope the pain abates. Have a good day.

  9. Be good to yourself and take care of those so-very important shoulders and neck. Your herb corner is indeed a treat for all the senses.

    1. It takes patience to nurse along the vital shoulder, too bad it doesn't come in pill form!

  10. Take care of you and don't rush back into doing 'things' that cause you hurt. Sometimes we're our own worst enemy when we don't give ourselves ample time to heal.

  11. Your herbs are looking good Take care of yourself and let the shoulder heal. Shabby Chic and Cottage look well together.

    1. I think they're pretty much the same thing! Cottagecore is probably just the updated term.
      I remember your good advice last summer when I was dealing with this. But this year I'm not getting eye surgery at the same time!

  12. starch I got. it never occured to me to add the ch onto the end of the other words. too distracted I guess. so yes, rest, all that stuff will still be there in a day or two.

    1. That's what my response was, but you may have missed it!

  13. Your herbs are looking great. I just planted some in pots over the weekend. Since I soon won't likely feel up to tending things (of have much arm flexibility) for a couple of weeks, so hopefully they'll do their thing while I'm doing mine, and come July I'll be happily surprised to see them growing. :)

  14. Sometimes it take a few days of rest Some anti inflammatory drugs, over the counter ones work well too
    The plants are looking very healthy They are obviously loving the sunny weather

    1. The resting part is so hard, ach. My default being not resting.


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