Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Half a day's pretty good though

 Yesterday, up to late afternoon, was great. I went along to get the new hangtags for parking, met some neighbors in line, had a nice chat and walked home, to put the visitors' tags on the  front hall grab bar, where the old ones hung, as mask holders.

Then after a discussion of soybeans with Gary, installed the morning glories in their new grow bag.

I opened up the drain holes in the pot, no wanting to disturb the roots, sank the pot into the bag, and the tendrils are already clinging to the hanger above.

Also found a cool comic from Moose

You can buy prints of his drawings, see website.

Then the day went a bit unhinged. Text from Tenant Handsome Son to say his refrigerator was breaking down, freezer not working, fridge part okay, not great. 

Soooo I emailed my appliance store man for recommendations. The fridge is the original one installed in the condo by the builders in the 80s, so it's time.

When I hear back, Son having provided the dimensions, we'll go from there.

I hadn't been feeling too swift, bit nauseous, doing Haggard Hawks puzzles to take my mind off. 

But by evening I was much sicker, vomiting and just able to get to bed and sleep, till it started again early morning, and this time I was so weak I collapsed on the floor and lay there a while till I was able to get into bed. 

Handsome Son has come over, mixed me Pedialyte, provided ginger ale and crackers, and assisted me downstairs for the day.  He's available if I text.

So  things seem to be improving, though I've had better days.  Not sure yet what caused it,  But it seems to be moving on, whatever it was. 

So today's about resting and rehydrating, r 'n r.

Happy day everyone, this too shall pass! More gently, with any luck. The last puzzle answer is


but of course my frivolous mind produces other answers, such as MERRYBAND and FERRYBOAT.  But I'm told that's not the preference. This often happens to me with tests and puzzles, pick what the teacher probably wants, from the possible answers I think of.


  1. I'm sorry you are ill. It's a bit alarming to collapse to the floor. Good to know HS is only a text away. Let's hope tomorrow it has passed.

  2. Oh dear, sorry to hear of your illness! I hope you feel better soon.

  3. I hope you feel better as the day progresses, Boud. Take care!

  4. Glad you are doing better.
    Developing a food allergy? It can present itself that way, intense nausea episode.

  5. Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope it's gone for good by tomorrow. Too bad about the fridge, they sure have shorter lifespans these days. Glad he could come help you. I got down on my hands and knees for the first time in years, looking for that backing for an earring which took off. Never did find it, and managed to get back up. I changed my approach to using both legs instead of just leaning onto one knee as I pulled myself up...which seems better.

  6. I am sorry you are so poorly and hope it is over soon. I hope Handsome son gets a new fridge quickly.

  7. Oh no! This is not good news at all. Please, please take good care of yourself and go see the doctor if things do not improve quickly. And a new fridge? That's just cruel. No. Not a good half day.

  8. sounds like a bit of food poisoning. hope you are feeling better.

  9. What a time you had, collapsing on the floor til you gained strength. It sounds like you are on the road to feeling well though.

  10. Oh yuck. Hope the (involuntary) purging and some good sleep will perk you up. A 24-hour stomach bug is no fun at all, and if it drags on longer than that I second Ms. Moon's advice. And talking about kicking a (wo)man when s/he's down - ouch on the fridge news.

    I did not get the HH puzzle at all, thanks for the answer.

    Chris from Boise

    PS The morning glory should be really happy in its new abode.

  11. I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling so poorly. Too weak to get off the floor is a bit worrying, Liz. I'm glad your son is within reach when needed/wanted. I've hit the deck in the paddocks twice in the past 3 weeks for annoyingly stupid reasons, which is of course different from being ill but I want to express solidarity :)

  12. R 'n' R is good. Those bugs are horrible. I also got Storybook for the puzzle.

  13. I hope you are over this soon. It's especially crummy to be down and sick in the summer.

  14. Oh my goodness. That is scary. I hope you can get checked out.

  15. Oh no. Sounds awful. I’m glad the worst is over. Take things easy. Hopefully just a 24 hour bug.

  16. Eeeerr now we understand - furballs. Not pretty is it! We hope that you feel better real soon.

  17. Oh no - so sorry you've been ill . Obviously I'm behind in commenting once again. Hopefully it's a fast-moving bug and gets kicked to the curb in a hurry.


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