Thursday, June 8, 2023

Airy issues and airy responses

 Here's yesterday

So it was an indoor day. The shoulder is still nagging, so I can't do the making I'd normally do, and needed to do something cheerful.

So here's that leftover pastry from the apricot tarts, waiting in the freezer. 

Which made five tart shells and a little extra bit 

And strawberries.

So strawberry preserves happened

And the yogurt was ready.

So here's dessert after lunch, yogurt with strawberry sauce 

With the little extra bit of pastry on top, and here's a strawberry tart for afternoon tea

The halo effect is the light reflecting on the plate. 

This morning was pita bread with a bit of strawberry preserve. There's not much that's better than a small batch of homemade strawberry preserves. I like small batches, no need to make masses of jam at once.

So that's good for a person's spirits. And since reading is my default st the moment, lying down, Kindle propped up to save strain on my neck, I'm continuing

And I've started

Two mysteries, two food related, taking mind off the dangerous air and the pain in the neck.

Happy day everyone, find something to enjoy always.



  1. No, the halo effect is because the strawberry tart is HEAVENLY.

    1. It's so good. The advice Lucy gave Charlie Brown to have bread and jam for his problems probably meant strawberry.

  2. Several years ago, I had a bad fall on my shoulder on the pavement. I started immediately with applying ice to reduce the pain. With reduced pain one can manage the basic tasks. It took some more time to heal, until I was able to close the bra, and do other things.

  3. I read, or rather, listened to the biography of Agatha Christie you had recommended and liked it. I am enjoying listening to Taste, it's light and humorous and about great food. I've seen that air quality in NYC is really awful. Looks bad for you, too. Don't tell anyone, but I have never made preserves!

    1. What, never?? Now's the season if you're thinking of trying it..

  4. You always find something to do and enjoy. Always.

  5. Stay safe and good breathing!
    I heard the Tucci book is a good read.
    Your yogurt looks delicious.

    1. It's like early pre vax covid, staying indoors, washing everything in case of particulate matter. Reading is good. Also midsomer murders..

  6. Small batches of jam are good and small batches of anything are generally a good idea but sometimes one's cup runneth over! As you know. I can almost taste your strawberry jam. I want some!
    I can only imagine that everyone is truly suffering with the smoke and resulting air quality. Patience is definitely a virtue in this instance.

  7. My shoulder hasn’t settled in the last two months since my fall off my bike. Pain drains my energy! Hope yours heals soon.

    1. A shoulder is so awkward. No comfortable position. I hope you do better. It does take a while.

  8. Sending tons of sympathy on the wildfire smoke. It's hard on every living thing. Your attitude " But jam helps!" is spot on (or dollop on)! That jam and yogurt combination looks scrumptious.

    1. The yogurt is the second generation from the Nancy starter. I think it may be good for one more, too.

  9. Cooking is a great antidote to the smoke calamity. Not the fire calamity, but the perpetual smoke. I hope your shoulder if improving by leaps and bounds.

    1. The shoulder is more like baby steps, very small leaps! But it's not worse, always my guideline.

  10. I think I will try a small batch of jam when we move. I tried making it once and ended up with toffee (halved everything except the cooking time). I hope your shoulder feels better soon and the fires die down. Horrible things.

    1. Jam isn't too hard, if you keep testing. I use the metal spoon test for doneness.

    2. What is this magic of which you speak?

    3. When you've been boiling the fruit a while, you dip in a large metal spoon, turn it on its side and observe the liquid dripping off. Whe it's dripping in more than one stream, it's jelled.

  11. How lovely and delicious! I hope the shoulder starts feeling better. You've got an interesting selection of books there.

    1. I've been dipping into several books, rather than staying with one. Including old favorites such as Crampton Hodnet.

  12. Good idea to stay out of that dangerous air. Shame about hte shoulder being a persistent pain though. xxx Mr T

    1. The neck pain is probably about being old! But indoors is the plan in air like this.

  13. I could just taste that strawberry preserve.

    1. I was eating some as I read your comment. Too bad we don't have tastenet.

  14. I'm glad things have eased up a little bit air-wise. It was definitely bothering me. I would LOVE to read "Taste." You'll have to let me know how it is. I enjoy Tucci so much.

    1. So far so okay. He's a bit of a professional Italian, if you follow me. Acting the part. But his writing is ok. This is not a rave review! But a lot of people love him. I have no idea of him as an actor, so I may be missing a bit.

  15. I suspect, if those who are supposedly experts can be believed, that we're in for a summer of forest fires and the resulting poor air quality. Saw a bit on the news last night showing people, with babies (!), out walking in the smokey air. Can't fix stupid it seems.
    Strawberry preserves - yum. I think strawberries are just coming 'in' here but we haven't obtained any as yet.

    1. I saw neighbors out walking on those smoky days. Amazing.


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