Friday, June 2, 2023

Good Things Day

 Yesterday brought good things. The Misfits box arrived

And here's the best Good Thing. Same amount and quality strawberries as the local farm, half the price 

I went to change my puzzle at the library, and had a lovely chat with the circ desk man about puzzles.  He told me what a great borrowing collection they have, including great donations! He didn't realize who brought them in! He's a puzzle evangelist.

Current puzzle, whimsical, just right for summer

Then home to get the mail, with

More supplies from the Sock Ministry, including a card showing an embroidery done by an earlier Sister at the convent, way back when they did fine church embroidery.

Look at the cheerful yarn colors! It's acrylic, completely washable, great for giving to people who don't have the luxury of handwash dry flat.

And here's what showed up in my timeline, speaking of embroidery

And I got my heddle all threaded, ready to go

And remember the dollar store seeds I got, very cheap? They're bustin out

After the obnoxious word puzzle, this is  a fun one.

Happy day everyone, knitting group today, let's see who turns up despite the beautiful weather drawing them outside.


  1. I love your misfits boxes. Glad you get lovely food for half the price
    I saw more tapestry’s today.

    1. The reference was only to the strawberries. The rest of the food is a bit cheaper than local, but not half! I wish!

  2. The puzzle is too easy. Almost "blurted" the answer because it popped out before I read your teaser. Thanks for making me feel so smart. LOL.

    1. It's a nice approachable one, suitable for a lazy Friday around here.

  3. Hurray for Misfits Day! And hurray for a new good puzzle. I am finally making a bit of progress on the one I've been staring at for weeks now. Also, I have gotten better at using a magnifying glass. Those two things are related.

  4. Lots of carbs at first glance. Strawberries❤️.

    1. The strawberries are great. Every one perfect.

  5. good things day indeed. at a quick glance I have one for STAR but no time right now to ponder the others.

  6. What beautiful socks you'll make from all that lovely yarn! And the word puzzle was easy but I can't think of a clue without giving the whole thing away.

  7. I got the puzzle, but I'm in the same position as Debra re. a clue. That "Starry Night" piece is beautiful.

    1. So is your comment a clue piggybacking on a clue?? Better and better.

  8. Got it! Had to look at it a couple of times, then the answer popped out at me.

    Chris from Boise

  9. Today's puzzle reminds me of a choo choo train (and I know it's safe to give that clue because I'm pretty sure the answer has already been revealed).
    Lovely boxes - both Misfits AND yarn-y goodness too.


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