Sunday, April 4, 2021

Not exactly holiday fare, but good

Easter Sunday  still up and down. Active a couple of hours, then  shivery and chilled despite temp near 70s. Then active, then tired, headachy.  And repeat. 

Anyway I decided it would be good to cater to feeling cold and make spaghetti and meatballs.

I did the meatballs differently from usual, sauteed them in olive oil with a chunk of sage pesto I had in the freezer, and a chunk of tomato paste, some garlic, kosher salt, all sizzled together. Hot italian chicken sausage for the meatballs.

Meanwhile salted water boiling for the pasta. And bread with olive oil and crushed garlic toasted in a cast iron pan till juuust beginning to char a bit.

Great canned tomatoes from Misfits added in, and with the meatballs and flavoring added, simmered for 45 minutes.

Then pasta, eight minutes, then drained, into bowl, sauce added.

And served with a slice of the garlic bread. Ages since I had pasta, and it was great, very cheering.

More for tomorrow. And several more containers in the freezer. 

Between the celery and scallion soup I made on Friday, I'm set for the week, pretty much.

So I can rest and see whatever else happens, and hope the after effects soon pass. I did manage a walk Sunday, a good sign. Chills back in the evening, so I guess it's taking its sweet old time leaving. Could be worse than a few cancellations. 

So I'll enjoy what I can, then when I don't feel so well, enjoy a good grumble.


  1. I do hope you are feeling much better soon. I felt bad for a couple of days after my second shot so I just took advil for fever and rested until I was better. Your dinner looks delicious! You can't go wrong with spaghetti!

    1. Resting seems to be the best thing. I'm not very good at it!

  2. You sound like me with your side effects...I hope you can have a relaxing week.

    1. Yes, that's the general plan. I hope you're doing better now.

    2. Yes, today is the first one in which I have no chills and my arm no longer hurts, no nausea but still a bit tired and grateful, too.

    3. I'm sorry you had a hard time. It's no picnic. But let's hope it's lifting now. And you're better protected than you were.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'm hoping for more up than down!

  4. Spag and meatballs is my favourite! Yesterday I had a magnificent turkey dinner... so large I was amazed that I was able to eat it all.... take out from a local restaurant. Support local business during this latest lockdown.
    I have heard that many people have a bad reaction after the second shot, I hope you're Ok in a couple of days. I will know what to look for when I have my second shot in July.

    1. It certainly won't be worse than the virus!

  5. Don't push it, lady! Let your body rest up and recover. But who am I to advise you who knows your body better than anyone?
    Your spaghetti looks beautiful! I might make some tonight myself. Thanks for the idea.

    1. The spag was great, partly because a long time since I had any. And yes, the lady who's been trotting about in a busted foot advises rest...but I am actually. Sort of.

  6. sorry to hear it hit you so hard. but better than getting the real thing. I feel a little more relaxed knowing I've had my vax.

    soup is one of the things we have a lot of at SHARE so everybody gets a can of soup extra. I'm the one who chooses. and it's hard to pick. like the cans of cream of celery. maybe it's just me but I imagine the recipient looking at that and never eating it. so far I have not given out any cream of celery soup.

    1. I wonder what variety of soup never gets chosen.. I bet there are favorites, maybe chicken noodle, or tomato. I know a lot of kids will eat chicken noodle when their parents despair of getting them to eat anything. I knew a toddler who took practically nothing else for months.

  7. I love those freezer meals on busy days! So convenient!

    1. I really like waking up in the morning and knowing both main meals are going to be there.

  8. Some of us breezed through those shots and some took it hard.
    It's like heaven, taking a meal from the freezer.

    1. But while I was sweating and shivering and hurting I kept thinking, well, it's not the virus, that's much worse. Which oddly enough helped.

  9. Sounds like a nice lunch. Hope you continue to feel better soonest.


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