Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Twenty five squares and counting

 With the addition of this cheerful mob

recently, the selection has a lot more energy

and here's steaming in progress

In fact all the current squares are steamed and squared up. From this point I'll lay them out on the dining table, which is the computer table, the cutting out table, and the tax filling out table,  to see how to arrange them, as I go. Since there are no beloved cats to rearrange and bite them, the squares can stay out as I go.

I need to decide how many solid colors I need to knit to balance the stripes. And laying it out will tell me what manner of thing it will be in the end. 

The four squares I started with and knitted together will probably work like a center or anchor piece. 

Meanwhile I have to keep my reading and watching going. 

I've been waiting forever for the Joan Didion essays. Her work is so measured and modest and mind-blowingly accurate that it's great to find something of hers I haven't read yet. She's a California person with a viewpoint I like to know more about.  And a world class analytic ability. Crystalline prose style. 

Flambards I know nothing about except it's a costume drama, and I'm in it for the hats. And horses. And carriages. And interiors. I expect there's also a storyline, too, come to think of it.

And the craft book was recommended by a person who loves crafts. She keeps renewing her library loan, so I need to see what it's about.

And that's us today, steaming, knitting, reading, watching. I was hoping for tea on the terrace, well, patio, when Handsome Son comes over later, but the weather changed and it's tea in the drawing room, milady, instead.  


  1. I can't wait to see what all of these squares are going to make.

  2. So colourful, your squares! At the moment, I'm reading "A Gentleman in Moscow." My sister sent me a Large Print version, hooray!

    1. I couldn't keep going after about 100 pages. Not enough fuel for my interest. But it's been highly recommended by keen friends, so it may go better for you.

  3. I also look forward to what the squares will be. Some as a summer tote?

  4. The squares will be amazing together!


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