Saturday, April 3, 2021

Vaxxed up and poleaxed!

First, it's worth it, and I don't want to deter anyone from getting the vaccine. Second, I had the second dose on Thursday midday and have been out of action.

Fever, chills, sweating, weakness where I had to sit quick before I collapsed, aches. Very much like a flu really. 

The nearly collapsing happened a few minutes ago, so I'm planning an exciting time of just sitting and knitting. But I don't get nauseous trying to knit now so that's better than yesterday.

I have my two badges, one per dose, on my suede bag, where they stick well. It's just an informal way to notify anyone who sees me out casually once I resume my shopping. 

Handsome Son, thanks to our team effort, was able to get the j and j in the on-site clinic where he works. They gave their own signed up food handling employees priority on the doses, when there was a sudden shipment of  vaccine yesterday.  After all our frantic searching! 

I was in the middle of trying to get him in to a site north of us, when the supply suddenly opened up, only to have it fully booked, thousands of doses, in 15 minutes. Then he texted me from the observation period in his clinic to say stop searching, it's done. One of the most thrilling texts evah.

So our little family is all vaxxed up, and defying the findings of the test groups where his age did worse, mine better, with reactions. He's fine today, I'm still working on it.

I'm so grateful to have it done and now I'm looking for appointments for the friend who drove me to the second dose, and who becomes eligible Monday.

The trips to the appointments and the observation periods were the most social life I've had since March of last year. It was hilarious, older people comparing symptoms!


  1. Very interesting, I have heard from a few people that the second dose often puts the patient out of action for a day or so. I had vax #1 2 weeks ago, next one scheduled in July. I hope you're feeling back to normal very soon. Congratulations on getting the jabs, makes you think that we may be on the road to some sort of normal.

    1. That's a long interval for you. Different regions, different decisions.

    2. There is a limited supply of vaccine at the moment so they want to make sure as many people as possible get at least one jab.

  2. Sorry you're having a reaction to the second shot, but I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you. I expect I will. In now developing a second Covid arm. I had this with the first shot and was advised to switch arms for the second. Which is now coming up just like the first. I claim my prize!

  3. I'm so glad to hear you've had your second shot and you son got his vaccination. He won't need a second with the J & J. Sorry to hear you are feeling badly. Take something like advil and rest for a few days. I had the same problems after my second dose of Pfizer. I had fever, chills and general flu feelings. I felt better after a few days. It is worth it in my opinion! This Wednesday we will be two weeks past the second! But will still wear masks and be safe of course. I hope you feel better soon. In the meantime - rest!

    1. Yes, I wasn't entirely surprised. But it's so good to have it in the rearview mirror.

  4. Congratulations and well done, Liz! Sorry you're having a strong reaction, but as my husband (who also was off his feet for three days after jab 2) says: "undoubtedly that means I have a powerful immune system!"

    And congratulations to Handsome Son! What a relief to have both of you vaccinated. Knit on, and nap! And, knowing you, I bet you have soup in the freezer for times like this.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Someone else told me my immune system must be strong, to be putting up such a fight. I did have soup in the freezer, how well you know me.

  5. I hope the reaction is over soon. However, YAY! Just had to shout it! I hope you can be out and about soon!

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping for everyone to get the vax soon and with less stress than we had.

  6. Sorry you had such a bad reaction; very please you are done and dusted.

    1. Still dealing with it, but still very happy it's done, yes. More chills and nausea tonight. I promise to finish with the organ recitals asap!

  7. A lot of the people I know who have gotten vaccinated were just lucky and got an "extra". I'm so sorry that you had a bad reaction- just think of it as your body putting forth a powerful immune reaction.
    There. That helped, didn't it?

    1. In fact it does help. Knowing my body's getting a workout and the tcells are getting set to repel invaders is good.

  8. Oh dear me, now you have me worried. I am getting my second dose later on this month. I had no side effects from the first jab and was hoping that the second dose will be equally uneventful.
    Ah well, we’ll see. I’d rather have the jab than not.

    I am still more or less in permanent lockdown. Living alone makes it very hard.

    1. Yes, I live alone and you have to be in the situation to understand it.

      Just be ready with easy food and plans to rest after the second vax, and remember if you have a rugged reaction, it's actually a good sign!

  9. sorry you had such a strong reaction to the second shot. mine was fairly mild. we went to our first social event in a year yesterday. husband's younger brother birthday. not everyone was vaxxed but we are so I felt safe enough and it was all outdoors.

    1. It certainly helps that the weather was mild enough for outdoors. It must have been exciting!


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