Saturday, April 10, 2021

Pease puddingish

 I blended the peas, with a new helping of water, after I rinsed off the soaking water, added a dash of salt

And just treated it like a pancake

As you see, it set up to a good batter consistency

And tried one just to see how it worked

Here's a sample on the fork so you can judge the consistency. This is the first, so probably later ones would brown more.

It's bland, because I wanted to do different things with it, and it's better to have a blank canvas for that.  This is also a fast food version of pease pudding, I realized after I tried it. I cooked it so the edges were crisp. I think it would hold up pretty well to stuffing with interesting flavors. Or just folding over the contents.

People who like bacon would like this with it.  I have hot sausage, onions, and mushrooms, so I think they'll work a treat. The hold in your hand lunch.

Not a bad tryout. There's enough batter for several more, and I expect they'll freeze. The YouTube lady insisted this could only be done with nonstick, specifically said it wouldn't work with cast iron. Hm. It did work, but maybe she hasn't dealt with seasoned pans.  I don't have a nonstick pan, so this was my option.

Then the delayed Misfits box arrived, looking fine.

This is the reveal! Where the counter is full of my food for the next two weeks.

Finally got figs, in case there's a need for Newtons, also dates because I like dates and might add them into soda bread because I also like date bread.

Couple of Granny Smiths for roasting with veggies. Cauliflower not sure how, maybe roasting.  Plenty of carrots, complete with greens, I like that. Various potatoes. Roma tomatoes, couple of mangoes. Romaine lettuce. Various apples. Scallions. Vegetable stock.

Now the food's prepped and stored, I can play armchair cook.

But first I read more of the latest Mma Ramotswe mystery.

I was up very early, yet again. Been trying to help a friend get the vax. Today, success! She got an appointment, and it's local. We were texting back and forth at dawn. Score! I'm up to five people helped. It's great. Not finished, if anyone else needs help. Mainly you need to feel you have a team. 

Now I think I'll rest a few minutes.


  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I have to admit, I would never have thought of making a peas porridge pancake. Not in my life. I don't think, at least.
    I like dates so much that I cannot buy them. I would just sit and eat them like a lady of leisure eating bonbons. Dried pineapple is the same for me. Those are both major treats!
    Have you ever tried Better Than Bouillon?
    I use it all the time. I never buy cartons of broth anymore. I love the chicken, the beef, the vegetable. All so, so very good. Not cheap but worth it. I swear- I could eat the stuff with a spoon. But I restrain myself.
    I look at your misfits box and wonder what happens to the carrots that look like the ones I grow. They amuse me. And are delicious, too, of course.
    Can't wait to see what you do with your box ingredients this week.

    1. I haven't had cartons of broth before. These are an experiment to see if I like them. Also they happened to be available this week. Misfits is opportunistic: it's whatever's available at the time, so it changes and I can't always plan in what's up. So I seize the day. Hence figs and dates the same week.

      I'll note the broth you like in case it shows up!

  2. I love pease pudding. We had it last week with boiled dinner. So good.

    1. I hardly ever hear of other people making pease pudding! Yes, it is good. Did you use yellow or green split peas?

  3. Looks like flat cake waiting for ice cream

  4. What is pease pudding exactly? I think of pea soup but suspect it's not the same. And I think of our Vietnamese neighbors' wonderful mung bean coconut pudding, but am quite sure it's not the same.

    I too never would have thought of "green pancakes" (or red lentil ones) - seems like it would be hard to cook it to digestibility as a batter. But it looks spectacular, and as a savory 'crepe' - wow!

    Chris from Boise

    1. Pease pudding is split peas cooked to a kind of solid mass which can be sliced and fried. In butter for best flavor. It can be flavored with ham, too. It's a breakfast food where I grew up, goes with black pudding, sausage etc. You could buy it ready cooked at the butcher's. My mom made it at home

      I think the reason the batter I made is digestible is the overnight soaking then replacing of the soaking water.

  5. Does that head of cauliflower have EYES? Spies are everywhere!

    1. Sometimes you play with your food, sometimes it plays with you.

  6. You are very creative in your cooking! Those misfits all look wonderful. I'm looking forward to your plans for them!

  7. They usually look just fine, not what I'd call Misfits. Apples are small, maybe it's a size issue.


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