Thursday, April 22, 2021

Cleaners day adventure

 Except they didn't show. I book for every four weeks, and I think they've decided on last Thursday of the month, which is sometimes five weeks.  A couple of times I've checked and found they're all set for the next week. This time I didn't check, not wanting to bug them, they're wonderful workers..

Anyway I went out for the morning, and quickly discovered that winter is back. Sunshine was deceptive, with temps in the low 30s and strong winds. Earth Day on the calendar, back dressed in layers again. 

Off to the Preserve anyway, and found whitecaps on the lake, a first. Blowing right in my face, no shelter just there. 

No birds either, smart guys shelter from wind. Woodpeckers busy calling in the woods though.

So I took refuge in the beechwood where it's always a bit warmer in winter -- it makes its own microclimate -- and it's always cooler in summer, then returned by a trail sheltered from the wind by trees and shrubs, to read in the car. 

So warm in there that I ran the window down while I read a P D James, Death in Holy Orders. I also borrowed the audio version so while I'm stitching this afternoon, I can go on with it. 

I've read it before but don't remember the outcome. Anyway James is more than a mystery writer, a lot of moral and ethical dilemmas in her work, too, and many motives.

I didn't get the house cleaned but I did get a walk for Earth Day. And a view of the newest foliage in the woods. Good day. 

Home for hot tea and to continue joining up the Mitered Square Jacket bits. 


  1. It looks like a pretty Earth Day, even if it is cold.

    1. Yes, seen from the shelter of the car it was beautiful. Wind gusts rocking the car!

  2. Such beautifully vibrant blues in the sky and lake!

    1. Aren't they lovely? Our skies have been so much cleaner since lockdown cut traffic dramatically. It's really evident on a day like today.

  3. How nice to have such a lovley lake close by.

    1. It's a former quarry, hundreds of feet deep, with many species of fish and amphibians. And there's a moving stream running through it, so the water is self cleaning.

  4. It's always good to get out in nature even if it was cool. I love seeing the lake and the woods.

    1. It was a bit challenging, but when I got home I was so happy I'd been out. And after hot tea and a blanket round my feet, I slept a while!

  5. The blues in your photos incredible and the leaves are opening on your trees. I am jealous.

    1. The trees are at that lovely delicate early spring green that only lasts a few days, and it's lovely while it's there.

  6. A hardy soul you are! Good for your cleaners for booting you outdoors on Earth Day, even if they didn't show.

    My dad taught me 'the woods are the poor man's overcoat', very apropos for a gusty day. And on such a day, the car is a lovely greenhouse, especially with a good book.

    Gusty today here too - a two hour drive to see an old friend who has had no visitors in a year to her nursing home. We were able to have a porch picnic, well bundled up, and a great catch-up. Then two hours home, including a nap in a rest area to get me the last 50 miles. I'm knackered! Sent Mike off to our (outdoor) book club by himself this evening.

    This time of spring - the lacy green - is fleeting perfection.

    Chris from Boise

    1. At first I was annoyed I'd been out there when I could have been warmly home, then I realized it was really a gift, because I wouldn't have gone out by choice, and it was lovely.

    2. "If you look before you go
      Outside in the rain or snow,
      It looks colder, it looks wetter
      Through the window.
      It is better
      When you're outside in it".
      Egg Thoughts By Frances (by Russell Hoban)

  7. Well, the walk sounds nicer than the cleaners. It's even been cool way down here with lows in the 40's and daytime in the 70's. Which works for me as otherwise it'd be in the 90's!

    1. I asked the cleaners about the no show, theyd got the weeks mixed. They'll come tuesday.

  8. I used to do ranting posts on Earth Day but not for years now. I was thinking I would collect the trash along the road my street dead ends into but I need to get one of those devices that allows you to pick things up without touching it or bending over. so instead I trimmed the ditch in front of the shop.

    pretty sky and water even if the wind was blowing in your face.


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