Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter, or Spring, or Fall, Sunday

See how energetically inclusive my header is? Heartfelt anyway.

In Easters past I blew and painted, or collaged, or drew in, or stamped, a few eggs for special friends. This year it hasn't happened, but I have pictures anyway.

Complete with Dollivers in Easter bonnets and Boehm bunny bringing eggs, also cats and Limoges porcelain eggs and tiny decorated cockatiel eggs from my dear long gone Emily.

Seen here in the antique miniature Wedgwood cup and saucer currently being used by tiny bear Ursula. Eggs now safely in an undisclosed location.

And today's celebration is about daffodils on the patio, not quite up to walking further yet for woodland pictures.

And the faithful primula friend who's been there for me all winter

And for the previous two winters, too.

Lovely day. The start of the next bit of our lives. Our family celebration, what with Handsome Son working today and my being a bit under the weather, is postponed to Saturday next. But it's still the Easter season so there's that.

Speaking of postponements: I had a regular physical scheduled for Tuesday, complete with blood work, so I called in Friday to postpone, knowing I wouldn't be up for it. 

Helpful appointment lady said, fine, I can fit you in on Monday. When I asked which Monday, yes, she did mean one day early. I had to explain what postpone means, and ended up with a date near the end of the month.  That will work better.

Enjoy your day, blogistas of all persuasions. Don't postpone it to a day earlier..


  1. Happy Easter and Happy Spring! Enjoy your day!

  2. Love your dolls! And your spring flowers are delightful. Happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. Thank you. The dolls have had many blog adventures!

  3. I enjoyed your beautiful pictures both artwork and Spring flowers. Have a wonderful Easter and feel better soon!

    1. Thank you. Happy Easter, and I'm doing much better now.

  4. Lol. Good one. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. I'm doing much better. Out walking just now. Always a good sign.

  5. Beautiful sunny day here, I walked almost 4km on the new Rouge Urban Trail. No Easter family get togethers as we're in lockdown again. But I have ordered a turkey dinner from the local restaurant, looking forward to not having to cook!
    I like your hand painted eggs. Very Easterish.
    Daffs are my favourite. Until the next favourite starts blooming.

    1. I had a very unseasonal spaghetti and meatballs!

  6. We feasted here on southern Easter foods and it was lovely, everyone outside. I had almost forgotten how chaotic things can get, however, with so many small children about.
    I will sleep well tonight.

    1. Yes, you forget how intensely disorganized little kids are. Lovely, and tiring.

  7. A faithful little plant, indeed. It could have chosen to sleep winter away.

    1. It's a great little plant. Scarcely ever out of bloom.

  8. In days long past, when my children were little, I blew and dyed eggs then filled them with confetti for the children to find. Then, they would crack the egg over someone's head for luck. I still do the odd egg or two some years. Yours are very pretty.

    1. Covering each other in confetti sounds like great fun. I can see combing it out for a while afterwards!


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