Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Good news and catch-up, and pearl unfurling

 Today is turning out well. From the feds finally depositing relief in my account, overnight, after a delegation of NJ members of congress recently shamed the SocSec into handing over the files to the IRS

To a wonderful upcoming gift of yarn from dear C, a rl as well as virtual friend, in support of the Mitered Square Caper. She asked what would be good, and these warm colors will be great for lifting up the rather gloomy shades I'm down to.

Then, yesterday the backup phone,  the one repaired with tape, that has been playing the part of a tablet.gave out. Black screen no matter what I do.   

Soooo, wondering if I'd finally have to spring for a tablet, I pulled out the old tablet which stopped working weeks ago. It's now, after a rest and recharge,  partly working, luckily the parts I want. I can access and play audiobooks, and a nice version of solitaire, yay. 

They're a sleep aid, same few favorites, like a kid's favorite stories. So it will stick around a while. This happened after I'd been looking up electronic recycling, right in front of it. It knew.

And since tomorrow Handsome Son and I will finally celebrate Easter, there was today the Unfurling of the Pearls.

When I opened the box I noticed they'd worked themselves into a map of the UK. This would never do, Albion being in the rear view mirror, 

So this happened, an approximation of my home state, New Jersey.  Only moderately accurate, but they didn't have cartography in mind when they strung the pearls.

And the Easter eggs, cats, dogs and Dollivers are reunited

You see the white cat, foreground, guarding the two remaining cockatiel eggs, the other having collapsed from the weight of the air, I'm guessing.

Dogs guarding whatever they can find to guard, and the Boehm bunny in place. The blue and pink plastic eggs were a present from a little girl down the street.

Good day, all things considered. I've heard that phrase before somewhere.


  1. I'd say you're feeling yourself once again! And yay on the stimulus payment arriving - that must be a relief.

    Those lovely warm yarn colors...aaah.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Thank you, yes, things are starting to seem funny again! Usually a good sign.

  2. English readers of whom we have some, will no doubt have caught the reference to the expression perfidious Albion! I think it was a brilliant piece of propaganda, a handy insult to slip in here and there. Originally coined by a French writer for his own good reasons. The perfidious bit, I mean. Albion was probably earliest recorded in use by the Venerable Bede, long before the British Empire which caused a lot of the heartburning, earning it the perfidious title.

    1. The Albion I figured out from context - thank you for adding the perfidious bit. One of several new things I learned today.

      C from B

  3. My apologies for having neglected this. The Dollivers look well, and the dog is doing a bangup job of guarding them from the eggs or the eggs from THEM. hard to tell, with dogs, sometimes.
    Don't know if I ever mentioned this, but our local library was once commandeered (and this is the right word, trust me) by Mrs. Dolliver, fiercely and determinedly. If she felt the book was too 'old' for mature for you, she refused to sign it out. I suspect if we had insisted she'd have called our mothers. =)

    See what you started here.

    1. I wonder if they've been channeling her all along and I never knew.

  4. An excellent amalgamation of treasures.

  5. Hope you enjoy your Easter celebration!

  6. Geography is so much more fun when done with pearls!

  7. Congratulations on receiving your check, I received mine last night too. I love all your Easter goodies, cats, dogs and Dollivers, what fun! Enjoy your Easter celebration with your son. Something tells me that will help you to feel even better as there is nothing like time with our kids.

  8. I think if I owned those pearls I would never take them off my neck. They are so beautiful.
    As are your eggs, your dollivers, your kitties and doggies. But they would be difficult to wear around the neck.
    Don't spend all that money in one place! Unless you want to.

    1. I do like the pearls. And they would benefit from wearing. About the $$, amazing how many things I plan to extract from it. It's already planned twice over...

  9. Congratulations!
    Warmer weather, Home Depot was busy yesterday with lots of folks my age. :)

    1. I'm guessing appliances and outdoor equipment featured.


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