Sunday, April 18, 2021

New year's resolution, late start

 Longtime blogistas will remember a couple of years ago I made the New Year's resolution to give up on trying to improve myself, hopeless cause, really, and start to improve my quality of life. Frugally.

This was the result

A bunch of cut flowers on the first of the month, just to enjoy. About five dollars' worth. Small outlay, great returns in spirits.

So here's today's bunch that should have happened  in March 2020, when my flower shopping came to a screeching halt. Late but very welcome. Sharing living quarters with a begonia in water.

Today was my first foray since then to the supermarket. No pix, since I guessed you've seen a supermarket before. 

Hello world! I felt quite intrepid.


  1. It's so good to see them back 😍
    I think I may have to make my bunch a regular occurance.

    1. Do! A lot of women hesitate to spend a little bit on themselves after years of stretching the food budget. But it's a valuable thing.

  2. Wonderful! I bet your trip to the grocery store was exciting after a year away! Small things mean so much more now, don't they?

    1. What used to be a little errand was a major expedition.

  3. I love how John Gray always has flowers in his house for himself.
    We should all do the small things that bring us joy.

    1. So often the last person we think of is ourself, if that's a word. So used to putting other people ahead.

  4. Well done! Hooray for small indulgences.

    I made my first foray in over a year to the grocery store today too! Sunday early before the after-church crowds. Not sure I quite felt intrepid, but glad to have dipped my toe in the post-vaccination waters.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes, there's a definite significance about it.

  5. Beautiful! That is a wonderful way to take care of yourself. You deserve it!

  6. I...seem to recall...big buildings with parking lots and and and people wheeling carts of um, er, food out of the stores...

    oh, wait, I remember now.

    In a week or two I may rip the shopping list out of my husband's hands and tackle the job myself. It could be ugly. I think he's enjoying it.

    Your flowers, btw, are stunning.

  7. Just to be clear, the flowers were the reason for today's supermarket run. That and butter. So these are today's flowers, playing catch-up from March of last year!

  8. My very-best-friend-in-the-world once told me to always spend a few $$ on flowers. In past years, I've had them in my gardens but this reminded me so I think next trip there will include a bunch of flowers!

    1. Good! The few flowers I have growing are not really for picking, more for neighbors to enjoy as they pass, lot of walkers. So buying a little bunch still works.

  9. I've had quite a few people deciding on flowers for the house since this post. I think the flower industry needs to consider me for an award.


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