Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Cookie things, recipe is a rough draft

The latest need for a little something with a cup of tea led me here. Not that I took much notice of the actual recipe, just the idea.

The creator has this recipe online, and I notice there the flour is two cups almond flour, not the 1.5 a friend wrote for me. And judging from the number of her readers complaining they were dry to the point of not working, I'm guessing maybe a typo.

Anyway I used the lower quantity, of whole wheat pastry flour, not having almond flour, and molasses, not having maple syrup, and the other couple of ingredients I did have.

I still had to add third of a cup of honey and then a drop of milk to get the dough to adhere in anything resembling edible fashion.

And I studded it with sliced almonds, and generally cookhandled it into compliance.

Oven at 350°f.  Recipe said 12 minutes. Needed nearer 18. Recipe said makes 16. I got 12 as you see, cook not having yet tried one or two. I think I'd put the oven up to 375° though, another time. That won't increase the number of cookies, but might improve the texture, which is a trifle leaden.

I did emerge with some sort of baked thingies. They're edible if not Great Bake Off.

I may have designed a cookie come to think of it.  No complaints from the audience yet anyway. That would be me.

They taste dark and rich, because of the molasses, so you need to like molasses for these to be okay for you. Not very sweet. I might use  almond essence rather than vanilla which was overwhelmed by the molasses in the end, not expecting to encounter them.

If I ever make them again, that is. So many sweets, so little time.


  1. Thank you for stopping over and commenting on my latest blog post......so appreciated...and so glad I found yours. We think alike on many things.

  2. "cookhandled it into compliance" -- hahahaha, love that turn of phrase!

  3. I am rarely brave enough to change a recipe. You amaze me every day, Boud.

    1. There was a radio chef, Arthur Schwartz, who's written some entertaining books. When people worried about recipes he'd say "Don't WORRY! It's only one dinner!" Words to live by.

  4. Thank you for being the good inspiration that has caused me to pay more attention to the food I eat. You make food preparation look like so much fun, I went online to research a healthy menu. So far, I'm musing how I'm going to survive the lack of sweets until the new menu kicks in. lol

    On the bonus side...the grocery bill has decreased.

    1. What a lovely thing to read, M! Good luck on enjoying it all. I bet you'll feel better and more adventurous also richer!

  5. Wonder what a little grated ginger and cinnamon might do?

    1. Ginger works everywhere in my rarely humble opinion. Cinnamon might be overpowered by the molasses. But it's worth a try. I use the delicate Ceylon cinnamon, not the related but harsher supermarket kind. That might make a difference.

  6. These are interesting cookies that could easily be changed up in many ways. I have baked with almond flour and it is very light and could make a difference in the outcome.

    1. Most of the complaints I read were from people who used the almond flour she recommended, and it was too dry to hold together. The pastry flour I used is light and best with baking powder leavening, nit suitable for yeast bread. I notice it does take up a lot of liquid.


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