Monday, April 12, 2021

Some of these things are not like the others

 This is a selection of the squares, and, as expected from using a wide variety of yarns, they're not all the same size, though they all have the same number of stitches and same needles. 

So this is where some of those trailing yarn ends come into play, to crochet edges on the smaller ones, equalize the sizes, and join them all. There may be contrasting joining color throughout, to unify this wild work.

And there will definitivo be steaming before any crocheting happens, to see just how close they are in finished size.

The small handweights are the result of a discovery yesterday. 

I thought for once it would be a change to take a bath instead of a shower. I have grab bars, all that, and it's worked up to now to take a tub once in a while.  I also have my phone right by the tub always.

So I enjoyed a soak, lavender and almond oil, and then went to climb out. Only to find that my recent weeks, of vaxxing and the search for the vax, involving exhausting hours round the clock, recovering from vaxxing,  and neglecting my weight lifting, had reduced my arm strength.  

To where I couldn't raise my poor old bod from the tub. I did manage to scramble out, from all fours. But I decided I'd better recover some form.

So I dug out the weights and found my larger ones that I used regularly, until a few weeks ago, are now too heavy!  So for the moment I've dropped back to these littler ones, until I get back up there.  I don't always want a tub, but I do want the option.

And I did a series of upper body lifts, to get started. These smaller weights are going to be right in sight, so I remember to work with them. I'm hoping I'll soon be up to my heavier ones, but my arms will tell me when.

Thrills but no spills, glad to report.

And today soup happened. Cashews soaking overnight, and I blended that Misfits vegetable broth with the last of the split pea batter, carrots, garlic, onions, ginger, dash of chili powder, no nutmeg this time.

And it made a good soup for yet another cold rainy day.

So that's us from this damp corner of the planet.


  1. Anything with cashews is a treat!
    I need to find my old arm weights too. Dang.

    1. It's surprising how fast the strength I built up over two plus decades dwindled after a few weeks of inactivity.

  2. Your squares are coming along very well. I like all the variety in them. It can be frightening how easily we can lose strength. Until the pandemic started I was going to the gym to take Silver Sneakers classes twice a week. Since there's been no classes I have lost a lot of strength. It's not always easy to keep up with exercise on your own at home, is it?!

    1. I've always exercised alone at home, to suit my own schedule. But the lack of sleep from weeks of late night and early morning has searching knocked me down. It was the only way to get the vax. Now I need to build up. I've been walking daily but that's about stamina and I didn't realize my strength was depleted.

  3. We switched soups for salads but it’s been so cold, I think soups will make a comeback.

    1. Yes, it seems unseasonal. But with temps in the 40s f, soup is called for.


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